Mayamatam मयमतम् - chapter-12 The Foundation Deposit

[ गर्भस्थापनम् ]

श्वभोर्ध्वभूतलं सर्वं गन्धैः पुष्पैश्च दीपकैः ।। १५ ।।

वासयित्वा तु पूर्वेद्युः पञ्चगव्यैस्तु भाजनम् । प्रक्षाल्य सूत्रैरावेष्ट्य” शुद्धशाल्यास्तरे शुभे ॥ १६ ॥

स्थण्डिले चण्डितं कृत्वा मण्डूकं वाऽथ तत्परम् । विन्यस्य देवान् ब्रह्मादीन् श्वेततण्डुलधारया ॥ १७ ॥

आराध्य गन्धपुष्पाद्यैर्भुवनाधिपतिं“ जपेत् । स्थपतिः कलशान् न्यस्य*" सर्वान् वस्त्रविभूषितान् ॥ १८ ॥

सुगन्धोदकसम्पूर्णान् गन्धपुष्पसमर्चितान् । निष्कलङ्कानसुषिरान् पञ्चपञ्चैव सूत्रितान् ॥ १९ ॥

तस्य प्रदक्षिणे “गन्धशालिस्थण्डिलमण्डले" । आराध्य गन्धपुष्पाद्यैर्बलिं दत्त्वा यथाविधि ॥ २० ॥

भाजनाय ततः ¨पात्रं वेष्टयेच्छ्रेतवाससा श्वेतवस्त्रास्तरस्योर्ध्वे न्यसेद दर्भास्तरे शुचिः ॥ २१ ॥

पीत्वा शुद्धं पयो रात्रावुपोष्याधिवसेत् ततः । स्थपतिः शास्त्रवित् प्राज्ञः4 सूत्रग्राह्यादिसेवितः ॥ २२ ॥

धान्यादीन्यथ वस्तूनि भाजनाभ्यन्तरे न्यसेत् । हेमराजतशुल्बैश्च शालिव्रीहिकुलत्थकान्“ ॥ २३ ॥

त्रपुणा कङ्कु सीसेन माषो मुद्गोऽयसायसा¨। कोद्रवं च तिलं भाव्यं वैकृन्तेन” प्रयत्नतः ॥ २४ ॥

ईशादिषु न्यसेदेतान्यष्टदिक्षु यथाक्रमम् । जयन्ते जातिहिङ्गुल्यं हरितालं भृशे मतम् ॥ २५॥

मनःशिला च वितथे भृङ्गराजे तु माक्षिकम् । राजावर्तं तु सुग्रीवे शोषे गैरिकमीरितम् ॥ २६ ॥

अञ्जनं गणमुख्ये स्यादुदितौ दरदं विदुः । मध्यमे पद्मरागं तु मरीचौ विद्रुमं॰“ मतम् ॥ २७ ॥

सविन्द्रे पुष्परागं तु वैडूर्यं स्याद् विवस्वति । वज्रमिन्द्रजये विद्यादिन्द्रनीलं तु मित्रके ॥ २८ ॥

रुद्रराजे महानीलं मरकतं मु महीधरे । मुक्तापवत्से मध्यादिपूर्वेण क्रमशो" न्यसेत् ॥ २९ ॥

विष्णुक्रान्ता त्रिशूला” श्रीः सहा दूर्वा च भृङ्गकम् । अपामार्गैकपत्राब्जमीशादिष्वौषधान्यसेत् ॥ ३० ॥

चन्दनागरुकर्पूरलवङ्गैलालताफलम् । तक्कोलेनाष्टगन्धांस्तु जयन्तादिषु विन्यसेत् ॥ ३१ ॥

स्वस्तिकानि चतुर्दिक्षु हेमायस्ताम्ररूप्यकैः | सर्वेषामपि सामान्यमेतच्चिद्वैस्तु लक्ष्यते ॥ ३२ ॥

Placing the deposit

On the eve (of the day of ceremony), the ground around the pit should be perfumed and incensed and lamps (should be arranged there). The casket should be washed in the mixture of the five products of the cow and it should be covered by threads. Then when a candita-also called mandūka-diagram has been drawn on the sacrificial ground which is covered with an even coat of rice, unhusked and pure, the gods starting with Brahmă, are installed with an offering of hulled white rice.

Then the architect, in a whisper invokes, the Lord of the World, having propitiated Him with offerings of flowers, perfumes... etc. Pitchers are arranged next, all of them covered with linen, filled with pleasantly perfumed water, surrounded by fragrant flowers and not pierced or sullied and arranged five to a line.

On the diagram drawn upon the sacrificial ground made of perfumed rice, after flowers, perfumes... etc. have been scattered, an offering is made to the casket in a clockwise direction and according to rule. The casket is then wrapped in white cloth and the sage places it upon white linen on a spread of darbha grass.

Finally, after drinking pure water and fasting, the architect who knows the treatises, the sage, honoured by the sutragrabin and his other assistants, settles himself for the night.

In (the eight compartments corresponding to the cardinal and inter mediate directions) beginning with that of Isa, the medicinal plants are arranged: vişnukräntä, triśülā, śri, sabà, durva, bhṛngaka, apamärga and ekapatrabja. Then, in the (the compartments of the gods) beginning with Jayanta the eight fragrant plants are arranged: sandalwood, bdellium, camphor, clove, cardamon, latapbala, takkola and ina." Lastly, svastika, in gold, iron, copper and silver, should be placed at the cardinal points.

What has been given is fitting for all (gods) but each one has his specific attributes (which will now be presented).

(Next day the architect) arranges the component in the casket, starting with the grains; the sali, figured in gold, the uribi in silver, the kulattha in copper, the kanku in tin, the mășa in lead, the mudga in iron, the kodrava in iron and the tila in mercury;" the placing of the grains is to be done with care in the given order to the eight directions beginning with that of Isa (in the north-east).

It is known that (next) cinnabar is put in (the compartment of) Jayanta, in (that of) Bhrsa orpiment, in (that of) Vitatha red arsenic, in (that of) Bhrigarāja red chalk, in (that of) Sugriva lapis lazuli, in (that) of) Sosa hematite, in (that of) Ganamukhya antimony and in (that of) Uditi red copper.

29 In the central (compartment) should be a ruby, in (that of) Marici coral, in (that of) Savindra a topaz, in (that of) Vivasvant a tiger's eye; a diamond is prescribed for (the compartment of) Indrajaya, for (that of) Mitraka an indranila sapphire, for (that of) Rudraraja a mahānila sapphire, for (that of) Mahidhara an emerald, and a pearl for that of Apavatsa; these are all to be placed in the inner (compartments of the casket) starting at the centre and proceeding towards the east, etc.

Manish Jain Luhadia 
B.Arch (hons.), M.Plan
Tel: +91 141 6693948

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