Slums and squatter settlements

Most serious problems of all the cities and town is Slums and squatter settlements It is byproduct of industrialization , rapid urbanization and lack of planning. Migrated people are forced to live in slums encroach upon unused / undeveloped govt. land or disputed land.

Slums / squatter settlement are usually occupied by

  1. Industrial workers with low salaries
  2. Scavengers
  3. Petty Hawkers
  4. Casual Labourers
Slums in Indian City

Slums category as par census

For the purpose of Census, slums have been categorized and defined as of the following three types:
Notified Slums : All notified areas in a town or city notified as ‘Slum’ by State, UT Administration or Local Government under any Act including a ‘Slum Act’
Recognized Slums : All areas recognised as ‘Slum’ by State, UT Administration or Local Government, Housing and Slum Boards, which may have not been formally notified as slum under any act
Identified Slums : A compact area of at least 300 population or about 60-70 households of poorly built congested tenements, in unhygienic environment usually with inadequate infrastructure and lacking in proper sanitary and drinking water facilities (Identified).

Slum up-gradation

Slum upgrading is a process through which informal areas are gradually improved, formalized and incorporated into the city itself, through extending land, services and citizenship to slum dwellers
common issues addressed by slum upgrading programs are :
a) Legalization of tenure status for sites and houses, including regularization of rental agreements to ensure improved tenure.
b) Provision or improvement of technical services e.g., water, waste and waste water management, sanitation, electricity, road pavement, street lighting, etc.
c) Provision or improvement of social infrastructure such as schools, clinics, community centers, playgrounds, green areas, etc.
d) Physical improvement of the built environment, including rehabilitation/improvement of existing housing stock.

e) Construction of new housing units (Housing construction can but doesn’t necessarily form part of upgrading schemes. Often enhancing and rehabilitating the existing housing stock is much more sensible and effective and can be achieved at little cost through legalization of tenure status or regularization of rental agreements.) 

f) Changes in regulatory framework to better suit the needs and opportunities available to the poor, as far as possible keeping to existing settlement patterns.

Slum up-gradation : Sites and services schemes

Sites and services schemes were the first widespread, controlled, formal, and comprehensive planned progressive development strategy. These projects centered their attention in the provision of land and basic infrastructure. They relied on the potential of low-income group’s self-help efforts for the provision of the individual dwelling as demonstrated in informal housing such as squatter settlements and slums.

The housing agencies retained the tasks of preparing the land, laying out the streets, blocks and plots, and providing services and facilities in several fashions. Households were responsible for the incremental construction of the dwelling and, in some cases, for participating in works related to the general improvement of the community.

Download PDF on Study notes of housing

Study notes of Housing for student in X Sem. (B. Arch.)

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