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Approaches to Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Urban India - Printable Version

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Approaches to Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Urban India - V Sudhir - 12-14-2018

Approaches to Sustainable Solid Waste Management in Urban India

THE URBAN Solid Waste Management (USWM) system in developing countries such as India consists of formal and informal systems.. The formal system consists ofamunicipal body that is responsible for collection, transportation- and disposal of solid-waste.' The informal system consists of many actors such as waste-pickers, itinerant-buyers, small scrap dealers, and wholesalers. This sector mainly-focuses on recovering recyclable material from the waste. Householders also contribute to informal recycling by practising source separation.
Since early 1980s, USWM in developing countries has been receiving increasing attention from,researchers and policy-makers. This has resulted in the -emergence of three broad proposals towards improving the USWM systems. Based on their reliance on the formal and informal mechanisms they can be classified into: 

(i) Conventional approach- managing wastes only through formal, techno-managerial solutions.
(ii) Non-Conventional approach- managing wastes (primary collection, recycling and decentralized disposal) through informal mechanism such as community based initiative and informal system of resource recovery. 
(iii) Integrated approach- combination of the above two approaches.

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