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Introduction - Modelling Transport - Ortuzar Willumsen - Printable Version

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Introduction - Modelling Transport - Ortuzar Willumsen - Manish Jain - 03-31-2020

1.1 Transport Planning and Modelling
1.1.1 Background
The world, including transport, is changing fast.We still encounter many of the same transport problems of the past: congestion, pollution, accidents, financial deficits and pockets of poor access. We are increasingly becoming money rich and time poor. However, we have learnt a good deal from long
periods of weak transport planning, limited investment, emphasis on the short term and mistrust in strategic transport modelling and decision making. We have learnt, for example, that old problems do not fade away under the pressure of attempts to reduce them through better traffic management; old problems reappear in new guises with even greater vigour, pervading wider areas, and in their new forms they seem more complex and difficult to handle....To Read more...

1.1.2 Models and their Role
A model is a simplified representation of a part of the real world–the system of interest–which focuses on certain elements considered important from a particular point of view.Models are, therefore, problem and viewpoint specific. Such a broad definition allows us to incorporate both physical and abstract models. In the first category we find, for example, those used in architecture or in fluid mechanics which are basically aimed at design. In the latter, the range spans from the mental models all of us use in our daily interactions with the world, to formal and abstract (typically analytical) representations of some theory about the system of interest and how it works.Mental models play an important role in understanding and interpreting the real world and our analytical models. They are enhanced through discussions, training and, above all, experience. Mental models are, however, difficult to communicate and to discuss....

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