Mayamatam मयमतम् - chapter-9c : Gates - Printable Version
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Mayamatam मयमतम् - chapter-9c : Gates -
Manish Jain - 07-09-2021
[ द्वाराणि ]
भल्लाटे च महेन्द्रे राक्षसपादे तु 74 पुष्पदन्तपदे ।
द्वारायतनस्थानं जलमार्गाश्चापि चत्वारः ॥ ५७ ॥
7वितथपदेऽथ जयन्ते सुग्रीवांशे च मुख्यदेवपदे ।
भृशपूषभृङ्गराजा'" दौवारिकशोष” नागदितिजलदाः ॥ ५
स्थानमुपद्वाराणामष्टौ देवा इमे कथिताः ।
त्रिकरं पञ्चकरं तत् सप्तकरं द्वारविस्तरम् ॥ ५९ ॥
तारद्विगुणोत्सेधं चाध्यधं वाङ्घ्रिहीनं तत् । सर्वेषां ग्रामाणां परितः परिखा बहिश्च वप्राश्च ॥ ६० ॥ ग्रामादयोऽपि नद्या दक्षिणतीरे तदन्वितायामाः । "नवनववसुवसुभागे मध्ये ब्राह्मं ततः परं दैवम् ॥ ६१ ॥ मानुषमथ पैशाचं क्रमशः सङ्कल्प्य युक्त्या तु । 80 दैविकमानुषभागे विप्राणां स्याद् गृहश्रेणी ॥ ६२ ॥ कर्मोपजीविनां स्यात् पैशाचे तत्र वा द्विजावासम् । तस्मिन् सुरगणभवनं क्रमशः प्रागादिषु स्थाप्यम् ॥ ६३
The gateways are established on the squares of Bhallata, Mahendra, Raksasa and Puspadanta; the four sewage outlets are on the squares of Vitatha, Jayanta, Sugriva and Mukhya; the eight secondary gates are on the squares of Bhrśa, Půșan, Bhṛngaraja, Dauvärika, Šoşa, Năga, Diti and Jalada.37 The breadth of the door is three, five or seven cubits and their height double, one and a half or one and three quarters of that. Every village must be surrounded by a moat and ramparts but the best villages are those located on a river and extending along its south bank.
b-63 In the diagram comprising eighty-one squares and in that with sixty four, the brahma zone in the centre and the daiva, mănușa and paisaca zones must be determined, one after the other. The dwellings of brahmins should be in the daiva and manusa zones and those of the 41 craftsmen in the paisaca zone, or the dwellings of brahmins are there and the temples of the hosts of gods should be placed there too, starting in the east.