Mandal Diagram -
scjain - 04-08-2014
During construction of of a house difeerent part of house are positioned with reference to this diagram. Each of the square of the diagram is attributed to a protecting deity.
It should be known that the spirit of the building has six bones(six lines),a single heart,four vulnerable points and four vessels(or diagonals)and that he lies upon the ground ,his head towards east. he rest with his face to the ground,his six bones ,orientated to the east and north,are in the middle of the (central) part of the site.In centre of the site are found the vulnerable points and the heart which is
Brahmaand it is from there that the veins (or diagonals) start.
it is said that the divinity named
Arya is his head,that
Savita and
Savitra are his right arm and right hand and
Apa and
Apavasta are his left arm and left hand,that
Vivasvant in his right side and
Mahindra his left,that in the middle his trunk is
Brahma, that his testicles are
Mitra, that his right foot (and leg) are
Indra and
Indraraja and his left foot(and leg) are
Rudra and
Now the gods are presented consecutively starting with (he who rules the) north east corner : Isa,Parjanya,Jayanta,Mahendraka,Aditya,Satyaka,Bhrsa,Antariksa,Agni,Pusan,Vitatha,Raksasa,Yama,Gandharva,Bhrngaraja,Mrsa,the Pitr deities,Dauvarika,Sugriva,Puspadant,Jaladhipa,Asura,Sosa,Roga,Vayu,Naga,Mukhya,Bhallataka,Soma,Mrga,Aditi,Uditi, these are the 32 exterior divinities.
Apa and Apavasta are both inside, at the north- east corner, Savindra and Savindra are inside at the south - east , Indra and Indraraja at the north – west.
Brahma stays in the centre,he is Shambhu and facing him are four gods named Arya,Vivasvant, Mitra and Bhudhara.
The 8 female deities,Caraki,pilipichha, Vidari,Jangha, Putana,Skandha Paparakasasi and Aryamaare on the outside of the four corners and are installed starting from the north east.
More about these deities:-
.Āpa - ('water' or ether), also called Antarikṣa the "Atmosphere" or "Space" god,
Vivasvat -also called Ravi or Savitṛ, one of sun god (aditya)
Indra - the king of gods, and the god of rains
Sūrya -the "Sun" god, also called Pratyūsha, ("break of dawn", but often used to mean simply "light"), the Saura bsectary worshipped Sūrya as their chief deity.
.Anila - the "Wind", the air god,
Pūṣan - patron god of travellers and herdsmen, god of roads,
Yama - god of Dharma (moral ethics), of death
Soma - the "Moon" god, also called Chandra
Mitra -the patron god of oaths and of friendship,
Varuṇa - the patron god of water and the oceans,
Bhudhara -the earth god also called Dhara
Pitra -the patron god of ancestors