Drinking Water Installations - System Solutions

Viega system solutions offer a maximum level of flexibility and make it possible for you to operate a fast, safe and completely hygienic drinking water installation.

Our Contribution to Drinking Water Hygiene - Innovative and intelligent.

Press technology made of copper. High quality and cost-effective.

Sanpress Inox
Stainless steel installation system. High quality and secure.

Piping system. Innovative press technology. Minimal pressure losses.

With press connectors made of gunmetal. Cost-effective and durable.

Pexfit Pro
Plastic pipe system: flexible, durable and reliable.

Viega Hygiene+ Flushing System
Electronically controlled. For pure water quality.

Smartloop Inliner Technology
For pure drinking water, even when it’s hot water.

Easytop System Fittings
Sample extraction and circulation regulating valves.

Viega GmbH & Co. KG

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