08-22-2023, 12:33 PM
Urbanised outlook, Localised transportation, Dhobi Ghat
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Deepkshana R
Jury Comments
• Old cities and old towns are romantic and poetic, and when many of the contemporary modules of a housing and towns are proposed the aura of the city changes. Responding to
this issue by incorporating climate and cultural aspects are praise worthy.
• The potential of actually looking at this project as a business model and strengthening the community by cooperative process is interesting.
• It might be a good idea to reimagine this whole institution of community washing, as a dhobi cooperative and whole operation resulting in a global phenomenon.
An internet search on "Dhobighat" reveals it to be the world's largest outdoor laundry, set in the heart of the city of Mumbai, India. It has been a Heritage Occupation for more than 200 Families in Mumbai and it is continuously serving 1/3rd laundry needs of Mumbai for the past 150 Years. It has provided job opportunity for more than 1500 immigrants. The project demanded a design to be developed keeping in mind the heritage occupation of that set of immigrants and also how they will function in that space.
Dhobi Ghat - an urban sprawl of a large group of laundry-men in Mumbai was chosen as the targeted population.
The pre-existing set-up was such that the population had created a living space for themselves at their site of work creating a robust mixed-use zone. The space to be designed was envisaged in such a way that the Heritage character and activity of dhabi does not get disturbed and to enhance the International tourism to create additional income for Dhobis. The intent was to support a heritage working community and also its social, economic and political values to sustain in the fast developing city by providing a better infrastructure. The idea was to protect the Heritage of the place from the private sector without disturbing the importance of the place with huge commercial scale value.
Decongesting of the existing workspace by providing a functional pattern for washing activity from its built fabric, circulation in relation to the washing stones and modern equipment. To facilitate the Dhobi community, by providing betterment of infrastructure for more efficient washing, hyg iene, sanitation welfare and healthcare facilities were some of the key concerns including proper workspace for the user, a hygienic environment, housing with a proper working community, a breathing space and to reduce the congestion of Dhobighat.
Taken from : ARCHIVING ARCHITECTURAL THESIS 2020 - "Awards for Excellence in Architectural Thesis" the annual program conducted by the Council of Architecture through its academic unit Council of Architecture Training and Research Centre (COA TRC) completed its eleventh cycle in 2016.
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Urbanised outlook, Localised transportation, Dhobi Ghat Mumbai, Maharashtra Deepkshana R.pdf Size: 1.25 MB Downloads: 7
Mumbai, Maharashtra
Deepkshana R
Jury Comments
• Old cities and old towns are romantic and poetic, and when many of the contemporary modules of a housing and towns are proposed the aura of the city changes. Responding to
this issue by incorporating climate and cultural aspects are praise worthy.
• The potential of actually looking at this project as a business model and strengthening the community by cooperative process is interesting.
• It might be a good idea to reimagine this whole institution of community washing, as a dhobi cooperative and whole operation resulting in a global phenomenon.
An internet search on "Dhobighat" reveals it to be the world's largest outdoor laundry, set in the heart of the city of Mumbai, India. It has been a Heritage Occupation for more than 200 Families in Mumbai and it is continuously serving 1/3rd laundry needs of Mumbai for the past 150 Years. It has provided job opportunity for more than 1500 immigrants. The project demanded a design to be developed keeping in mind the heritage occupation of that set of immigrants and also how they will function in that space.
Dhobi Ghat - an urban sprawl of a large group of laundry-men in Mumbai was chosen as the targeted population.
The pre-existing set-up was such that the population had created a living space for themselves at their site of work creating a robust mixed-use zone. The space to be designed was envisaged in such a way that the Heritage character and activity of dhabi does not get disturbed and to enhance the International tourism to create additional income for Dhobis. The intent was to support a heritage working community and also its social, economic and political values to sustain in the fast developing city by providing a better infrastructure. The idea was to protect the Heritage of the place from the private sector without disturbing the importance of the place with huge commercial scale value.
Decongesting of the existing workspace by providing a functional pattern for washing activity from its built fabric, circulation in relation to the washing stones and modern equipment. To facilitate the Dhobi community, by providing betterment of infrastructure for more efficient washing, hyg iene, sanitation welfare and healthcare facilities were some of the key concerns including proper workspace for the user, a hygienic environment, housing with a proper working community, a breathing space and to reduce the congestion of Dhobighat.
Taken from : ARCHIVING ARCHITECTURAL THESIS 2020 - "Awards for Excellence in Architectural Thesis" the annual program conducted by the Council of Architecture through its academic unit Council of Architecture Training and Research Centre (COA TRC) completed its eleventh cycle in 2016.
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