Planning Survey

Planning Survey

The preparation of any plan for the development of an urban area, city or town requires reliable factual data regarding
existing physical

socio-economic conditions


social services :
hospitals and
recreational facilities.

The process of collecting such data is called a "Planning Survey“.


Planning Surveys
Planning Survey to be useful must have clearly defined objectives, so that effort is not wasted in collecting data which cannot be used and at the same time no relevant facts are left out as it is difficult, expensive and time-consuming to repeat these surveys. The data should be collected In such a manner so as to render its
easy analysis and interpretation. These requirements call for a careful designing of the survey with regard to the information to be collected, method of collection and
the manner of assembling and analysing the collected data...  

Scope of Planning Surveys
Planning Surveys will vary in content and scope from the surveys needed to be carried out for a Comprehensive Development Plan (COP), Outline Development Plan (ODP), Master Plan/ Development Plan etc. Basic data is collected generally by a sample survey and this data will broadly cover housing, transport, physical  services, social services, amenities etc. Aspects like family income, means of  livelihood, and nature of employment are also covered. In addition depending in the nature of the exercise, a detailed surveys and projections are also required over the plan period I horizon year so that future requirements are adequately catered to.

Preparation of Base Map

In the absence of an accurate base map, no planning exercise can be undertaken. The base map should show all the streets, lanes and open spaces and division of area by plots with survey numbers. The base map should show all physical features including contours. In most of the urban areas, this map may not be available readily and where available, it may be outdated.

Existing Land 'Use Survey and Classification of of Land Uses

Utilities and Services Survey

Survey of Community Facilities

Household Sample Survey for Gathering Essential Data on Housing,

Transport Services and Amenities

Annexure : 

Land Use Survey Tabulation Sheet

Questionnaire for Household Sample Survey


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Survey for the Town Planning
The surveys establish ultimately the present state of the town and indicate the measures for its improvements.

Objective of survey for the town planning are:
The people, their interests and occupations and how they follow them,
The land and buildings and how they serve their interests.

The data collected in surveys are properly analysed in relation to the area under consideration and they are recorded on maps, charts, schedules and models. The planning survey does not start just of its own, it has to be organized with meticulous care from beginning to end and various processes concerned with such survey are suitably collected, processed, arranged and interpreted. Thus, the essential ingredient of a purposeful town planning survey is to arrange the facts of investigation in the best possible scientific manner.

Advantage of survey for the town planning are:

  1. The survey draws attention to the inter-relation between various complicated activities of a town life. 
  2. The survey stresses the local requirements and appropriate treatment to be given socially, conveniently and artistically.
  3. ‘Survey before Plan’ the principle advocated by Sir Patrick Geddes
  4. It is the ‘Diagnosis before treatment’ or ‘Diagnostic approach’ without which no adequate planning scheme can be prepared for a town.
    The survey data so collected can be analysed and will be represented in the form of maps, charts, tables and models. Such a fully illustrated and clearly documented survey is helpful and advantageous.
Role of survey for the town planning are:

1.      To evaluate the effects of development,
2.      To present detailed reasoned reports,
3.      To provide the necessary understanding before decisions for development are made,
4.      To study the situation with respect to objective effectually.

Manish Jain Luhadia 
B.Arch (hons.), M.Plan
Tel: +91 141 6693948

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