Deconstructivism - Ciudad de la Cultura de Galicia , Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Ciudad de la Cultura de Galicia , Santiago de Compostela, Spain

At the end of the 1990s, Eisenman entered a new phase. Enthusiastic about the capacity of computer-assisted design to generate expressionistic forms, he leapt on the bandwagon of sculptural form. To explain why he dumped Decon, Eisenman said,

“There will always be four walls in architecture.” he hoped to create a “fluid architecture” with a “gelatinous quality” evoked by computer morphing.

[Image: peter3.jpg]

Ciudad de la Cultura de Galicia , Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Intensely cerebral, Eisenman was an eminent provocateur in the 1980s, the high priest of Deconstructivism. Notorious for having two psychiatrists—one on the East Coast and one on the West—his neuroses and high anxiety are translated directly into his work.

[Image: peter4.jpg]

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