common features of the Urban Centers of the Indus Valley Civilization.

common features of the Urban Centers of the Indus Valley Civilization.

These features vary little from place to place. .

The first common feature is Indus script on seals. This script has not been deciphered yet, so not much information is available about the social life, customs etc. .

The second most important feature is town planning. The main features of town planning were use of baked as well as sundried bricks, well planned straight roads and a system of drainage. . A fortified citadel at most of the cities. The number of the citadels varies. .

Houses with kitchens and wells, tanks or water reservoirs. .

Use of standard weights and measurement throughout the civilization. .

Presence of wheel made pottery. .

The Practice of burying the dead.

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common features of the Urban Centers of the Indus Valley Civilization. - by fdaforum - 10-30-2014, 07:41 AM

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