Ancient Indian Town Planning

Ancient Indian Town Planning

The urban history of the Indian subcontinent goes back to the Harappan culture
i.e. 2300B.C.-1700B.C. After that there is a hiatus of 1100 years and town re-emerges
in 600B.C., which flourished up to the Kushana period.

The elements of planning and the various components of the town were present in the Pre/Early Harappan period also (as is seen in the case of Kalibangan). But fully flourished towns on a much larger scale appear only in the Mature Harappan period. The third phase (i.e. Late Harappan), was a period of decline. The radiocarbon dates, obtained from various sites varies considerably, so we cannot assign a definite time frame to the phases.

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Ancient Indian Town Planning - by saurabh_in - 11-06-2014, 08:48 AM

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