Dwelling units as per their densities

Dwelling unit

1. In case of spatial distribution, number of persons or things per unit area (i.e. hectare, acre, sq. mile, or sq. km.)
2. In case of population served, number of things or facilities per unit of population (i.e. 100, 1000, 10,000 etc. persons) where depending upon need, the things may include telephone, cell phone, doctors, schools etc.

Net Density

The number of persons per unit area (hectare or acre) of a residential site and it excludes area devoted to sector level facilities, services, commercial activity, parks, open spaces, and major roads (net residential density is generally double of the gross residential density as about 50 per cent area is occupied by sector level uses).

Gross Density

The number of persons per unit area (hectare or acre) of a residential sector including area devoted to the sector-level facilities, services, commercial activity, parks, open spaces, and roads and this is generally double the overall
density as about 50 per cent area of a settlement is devoted to
non- residential uses.

Overall Town Density

The density of population of a settlement calculated by dividing its total population by the total area covered by all uses.

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Dwelling units as per their densities - by meenal sogani - 11-07-2014, 07:33 AM

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