National Policy for Urban Street Vendors

The overarching objective to be achieved through this policy is to:
Provide and promote a supportive environment for earning livelihoods to the Street vendors, as well as ensure absence of congestion and
maintenance of hygiene in public spaces and streets 

The basic objectives of the policy are:
· Legal: To give vendors legal status by amending, enacting, repealing and implementing appropriate laws and providing legitimate hawking zones in
urban development/ zoning plans. 
Facilities: To provide facilities for appropriate use of identified space including the creation of hawking zones in the urban development/ zoning
· Regulation: To eschew imposing numerical limits on access to public spaces by discretionary licenses and instead moving to nominal fee-based regulation
of access, where market forces like price, quality and demand will determine the number of vendors that can be sustained. Such a demand cannot be
· Role in distribution: To make Street vendors a special component of the urban development /zoning plans by treating them as an integral and
legitimate part of the urban distribution system.

· Self Compliance: To promote self-compliance amongst Street vendors. · Organization: To promote, if necessary, organizations of Street vendors e.g.
Unions / Co-operatives/ Associations and other forms of organization to facilitate their empowerment.
· Participation: To set up participatory mechanisms with representation by urban vendors’ organizations, (Unions / Co-operatives/ Associations),
Voluntary organizations, local authorities, the police, Residents Welfare Association (RWAs) and others for orderly conduct of urban vending activities.
· Rehabilitation of Child Vendors: To take measures for promoting a better future for child vendors by making appropriate interventions for their
rehabilitation and schooling.
· Social Security & Financial Services: To facilitate/ promote social security (pension, insurance, etc.,) and access to credit for Street vendors through
promotion of SHGs/co-operatives/Federations/Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) etc.

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Manish Jain Luhadia 
B.Arch (hons.), M.Plan
Tel: +91 141 6693948

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National Policy for Urban Street Vendors - by Manish Jain - 03-31-2020, 03:33 PM

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