Time, Life, Works and Philosophies of Mies Vander Rohe

Ludwig Mies van der Rohe
(1886- 1969)

Ludwig Mies was born in Aachen, Nordhein Westfalen ,Germany, on March 27 1886.
No formal training in architecture
Worked under Peter Behrens
Succeeded Gropius as Bauhaus Director
Migrated to US and taught architecture at the Illinois Institute of Technology
Designed Skyscrapers Of Steel And Glass which became models of skyscraper design throughout the world.


Finally design would merge with construction and much of the work that Mies had begun in the 20’s would come to fruition. His first project being the Lakeshore Apartment Buildings in Chicago.
The scheme consists of two identical 26-story towers placed 46 feet apart with their long axes set perpendicular to each other.  While each building alone is symmetrical, comprised of 21’ square bays (5 across, 3 deep) with a total of 288 apartments,

Once again he created with form and function . The first floor of the building rested on plithes giving the building integration with the outdoors.

Farnsworth House
14520 River Rd  Plano, IL 60545,US, 1946 - 1951

In 1944 Mies van der Rohe became a U.S. citizen. In 1946 he began work on the Farnsworth House a weekend retreat for doctor Edith Farnsworth. It’s one of the most minimalist houses ever designed being composed of a transparent box framed by eight exterior steel columns with a single room subdivided by partitions and completely enclosed in glass.

It—two parallel planes held in suspension between the earth and sky by only eight steel columns—seems simple, but Mies worked through 167 drawings to come to his final, fearless design.

llIinois Institute of Technology Master Plan,
 Chicago , 1939 - 1958

1937 marks the departure of Ludwig Mies van der Rohe from Germany due to rising pressure from the Nazi party. Before leaving however he was offered a professorship at the Armour Institute of Technology in Chicago. This would later become the Illinois Institute of Technology and Mies would be the prime architect for the campus of the newly formed school.

In the realized plan, clusters of buildings placed on a grade create a series of informal open spaces through a playful shifting of solid (i.e. buildings) and void (i.e. green space). A 24-foot square grid invisibly overlays the campus to guide its order.

Crown Hall ,llIinois Institute of Technology
 Chicago , 1939 - 1958

At the Illinois Institute of Technology. exposed, expressed steel frame, roof suspended from spanning I-beams

Tugendhat house
Brno , Czechoslovakia 1930
The design was once again revolutionary and combined the seamless flow from outdoors to indoors.
Mies dealt with the extreme slope by dividing the front and back of the house into public and private facades. Facing the street, the building is only one story, but it's two stories on the garden side. The home's decor boasted several of Mies finest pieces of original furniture, including the Brno chair, the Tugendhat chair, and the X coffe

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Time, Life, Works and Philosophies of Mies Vander Rohe - by fdaforum - 07-22-2014, 11:10 AM

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