Mayamatam मयमतम् - chapter-9b : Types of settlement

[ ग्रामभेदाः ]

द्विजकुलपरिपूर्णं वस्तु यन्मङ्गलाख्यं नृपवणिगभियुक्तं वस्तु यत्तत् पुरं स्यात् ।

तदितरजनवासं ग्राममित्युच्यतेऽस्मिन् मठमिति पठितं यत् तापसानां निवासम् ॥ ॥ ४० ॥

प्रागुदगग्रं मार्ग ककनीकृतदण्डवत्तु तन्मध्ये ॥ ४१ ॥ द्वारचतुष्टययुक्तं दण्डकमिति भण्यते मुनिभिः दण्डवदेका वीथी साप्येवं दण्डकं प्रोक्तम्” ॥ ४२ ॥ नवपदयुक्ते ग्रामे परितो मार्ग पदस्य तस्य बहिः । तस्मात् प्रागुदगग्रात् प्राग्वीथी दक्षिणाया सा ॥ ४३ ॥ तस्मात् प्राग्दक्षिणतो दक्षिणवीथी प्रतीचिमुखा Shis । तस्मादवागपरतः पश्चिमवीथ्यप्रमुत्तरतः ॥ ४४ ॥ 
अपरोत्तरतस्तस्मादुत्तरवीथ्यां मुखं प्राच्याम् । एतत् स्वस्तिकमुदितं स्वस्त्याकृत्या चतुर्मार्गम् ॥ ४५ ॥ 
प्राक्प्रत्यग्गतमार्गस्त्रिभिरुदगग्रैस्त्रिभिश्चतुर्भिरथो । पञ्चभिरपि षट्सप्तभिरपि युक्तं" प्रस्तरं पञ्च ॥ ४६॥ 
प्रागग्रस्तु चतुर्भिर्द्वादशशिवपङ्क्ति नन्दवसुमार्गः । उदगग्रैरभियुक्तं ह्येतत् प्रोक्तं प्रकीर्णकं पञ्च ॥ ४७ ॥ 
प्राक्प्रत्यग्गतमार्गः पञ्चभिरुदगग्रै" स्त्रयोदशभिः । त्रिःसप्तभिरथ तिथिभिः षोडशभिः सप्तदशभिरपि मार्गः ॥ ४८ ॥
युक्तं" नन्द्यावर्त दिक्षु चतुर्द्वारसंयुक्तम् । नन्द्यावर्ताकृत्या बाह्ये द्वारैरबाह्यतो मार्गैः ॥ ४९ ॥ 
“युक्तानेकैर्युक्तं नन्द्यावर्ताभमिदमुदितम् । आद्यैरष्टादशभिर्द्वाविंशत्यङ्गकै“रुदग्वक्त्रैः ॥ ५० ।।

षड्भिः प्राङ्मुखमार्गैर्युक्तं ह्येतत् परागमिति कथितम् । प्राक्प्रत्यग्गतमार्गैः सप्तभिरुदगप्रैस्विवेदशरैः ॥ ५१ ॥ 
षट्सप्तभिरपि युक्तैर्विंशतिभिः पञ्चधा पद्मम् ँ । अष्टभिरथ पूर्वाग्रैरुदगञैः साष्टविंशतिभिः ॥ ५२ ॥ 
आद्यैर्द्विः षोडशभिमर्गैिरन्त्यैर्युतं यत्तु । तच्छ्रप्रतिष्ठितं स्यादष्टविधं ग्राममुद्दिष्टम्” ॥ ५३ ॥ 
अथवा श्रीवत्सादिकमुपनेतव्यं " तु विन्यासम् । सर्वेषां ग्रामाणां नाभिं न प्रोतयेन्मतिमान् ॥ ५४ ॥ 
ग्रामे वाऽथ गृहे वा दण्डच्छेदोऽपि नैव कर्तव्यः । सकलाद्यासनकान्तं विन्यासार्थं पदं बुधैर्ग्राह्यम् ॥ ५५ ॥ 
क्षुद्रग्रामे मार्गाश्चत्वारश्चाष्ट मध्यमे ग्रामे । द्वादश षोडश मार्गा ग्रामेषूत्कृष्टकेषु मताः ॥ ५६॥

Types of settlement

A place where there are only brahmins is called mangala;25 that in habited by princes and merchants is a pura,26 the place inhabited by other people in this world is called grama; a place where ascetics dwell is called matha. 

1-42 The sages give the name dandaka to a village comprising a road going north and another east; both are rectilinear and cross at right angles to the centre. 28 This village has four gates. Dandaka is also the name for a village with one single road, straight as a pole.

3-45 A svastika village is one whose diagram consists of nine squares; all around is a street drawn outside these (nine) squares. One street starts in the north-east, goes towards the west and ends in the south; one goes from south-east to the north and ends in the west; another goes from the the north-east to the south and ends in the east. This village follows a svastika figure and comprises four (main) streets, 30

6 There are five types of prastara village, they comprise three streets


going from east to west and three, four, five, six or seven starting from north, 31 There are five types of prakirnaka village; they comprise four streets going from east (to west) and twelve, eleven, ten, nine or eight starting

from north.32



52 There are five kinds of padma village; they comprise seven streets

going east-west, three, four, five, six or seven streets starting from the north and twenty crossroads. The sripratisthita village comprises eight streets starting in the cast and from twenty-eight to thirty-two starting in the north.

Eight types of villages have been described but a srivatsa or other

type of village may also be established. 55 In every village the sage begins by laying out the navel. Whether for village or house, only (dimensions in) whole numbers of poles must be used." To draw the plan the sages may use any diagram, from the sakala (with one square) to the asana (with one hundred), 35 There are four streets in the small village, eight in the medium one

and twelve (or) sixteen in the large,

8-50a The nandyavarta village comprises five streets going east-west and thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen or seventeen coming from the north; it has gates at the four cardinal points. Its plan resembles a nandyavarta figure, the gates being external to the figure, the streets inside it, and there being numerous crossroads; it is said to be in the form of nandyavarta.

A village with from eighteen to twenty-two streets from the north and la six from the east is called paraga.

There are five kinds of padma village; they comprise seven streets

going east-west, three, four, five, six or seven streets starting from the north and twenty crossroads. The sripratisthita village comprises eight streets starting in the cast and from twenty-eight to thirty-two starting in the north.

Eight types of villages have been described but a srivatsa or other

type of village may also be established. 55 In every village the sage begins by laying out the navel. Whether for village or house, only (dimensions in) whole numbers of poles must be used." To draw the plan the sages may use any diagram, from the sakala (with one square) to the asana (with one hundred), 35 There are four streets in the small village, eight in the medium one

and twelve (or) sixteen in the large,

Manish Jain Luhadia 
B.Arch (hons.), M.Plan
Tel: +91 141 6693948

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Mayamatam मयमतम् - chapter-9b : Types of settlement - by Manish Jain - 07-09-2021, 01:58 PM

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