Mayamatam मयमतम् - chapter-12 The Foundation Deposit

[फेला ]

तस्योपरि निधातव्यं मञ्जूषं ताम्रनिर्मितम् । त्रिचतुर्मात्रविस्ताराद् द्विद्वयङ्गुलविवर्धनात् ॥ ९ ॥

पञ्चषड्विंशमात्रान्तं मानं द्वादश भाजने। समोच्चं वाऽष्टषट्पञ्चभागोनं वा तदुच्छ्रयम् ॥ १० ॥

एकादिद्वादशान्तानां हर्म्याणामुदितं क्रमात् । गृहीतोच्चत्रिभागैकं पादालम्बिविधानकम् ॥ ११ ॥

तत्तद्धर्म्याङ्घ्रिविष्कम्भसमं वाष्टांशहीनकम् ।त्रिपादं वा विशालं तत् फेलायाः प्रागिवोच्छ्रयम्” ॥ १२ ॥

त्रिवर्गमण्डपाकारं वृत्तं वा चतुरश्रकम् । पञ्चविंशतिकोष्ठं वा नवकोष्ठकमेव वा ॥ १३ ॥

फेलोच्चार्धत्रिभागैकं कोष्ठभित्त्युच्छ्रयं भवेत् । ^तद्भित्तिघनतां कुर्याद् यवैर्द्वित्रिचतुष्टयैः ॥ १४ ॥

उपपीठपदे देवाः पञ्चविंशति सम्मताः ॐ ।

The casket

Over this is placed a copper casket: there are twelve possible width for this receptacle, from three to four digits to twenty-five to twenty-six digits by successive increments of two digits. Its height is equal (to it width) or less by an eighth, sixth or fifth. (These twelve sets o dimensions) are suitable for buildings of, respectively, one to twelve (storeys). (Otherwise the width of the casket) is the third of (its) heigh chosen according to the rules given for pillars (?). (Otherwise) it i equal to the diameter of the pillar of the building concerned or to seven eighths or three quarters of that diameter;" regarding the height (it i calculated) as above.

The casket is shaped like a pavilion with three levels of elevation. It is circular or square and comprises twenty-five or nine compartments, the height of the partitions dividing (these last) is half or one-third that of the casket; their thickness should be two, three or four barley grains. If it corresponds to the upapitha diagram then twenty-five gods are honoured therein.

Manish Jain Luhadia 
B.Arch (hons.), M.Plan
Tel: +91 141 6693948

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