Destigmatising Kamathipura - A socio-spatial restructuring project Mumbai

Destigmatising Kamathipura - A socio-spatial restructuring project 
Syed Majid Raza Adibi

Jury Comments
The project is commendable at two Levels.
One is the intangible, which is the concern that is shown not only to the physical condition of that place, but also to the income concern for
the vulnerable.
A set of architectural drawings was much needed to explain the Learnings.

Kamathipura, is an infamous red-Light district, synonymous with prostitution, filth, crime, degradation and trafficking in the heart of Mumbai with brothels forming a part of the British colonial Legacy in India; which still thrives on trafficking young women from the rural hinterlands, often tricked through promises of Lucrative employment in the 'Maximum City'. 
Design is rooted in the situations it is anticipated to transform. Witnessing the shifting grounds, the project is subjected to the Kamathipura
condition, advocating for spatial transformation, since maintenance of the status quo and a zone of exception would only be a passive approval of
the vulnerable condition and exploitative vicious cycle surround ing prostitution.
An attempt to restructure the dynamics of Kamathipura through discharging the existing stifled hierarchies, while also maintaining it's affordability in housing and accessibility  in Livelihood practices. The objective is to compensate the Landlords' stakes while carving a significant saleable component for real- estate consumption to materialize the entire scheme and realizing the underutilized FSI. The role of an architect thus, is the imagination of a possible reality, against the confronted realities of the Kamathipura red Light area. The real core of the work is the examination of the various facets on
ground, and finding fault Lines within - to finally propose a programmatic 'scheme'. The 'form' that the project finally assumes is driven solely
by the intent to accommodate the scheme. The Language and aesthetic is a derivative of space, spans and structures and wasn't the primary motivation itself.
Except the materiality is heavily borrowed from the principles of reversibility in-case of a future transformation, and hence, steel becomes an obvious  choice, with additional benefits of using Less formwork, greater flexibility, covering Longer uninterrupted floor plates and bearing an inherent ability to carry services within castellated sections without compromising on head-rooms.

Taken from : ARCHIVING ARCHITECTURAL THESIS 2020 - "Awards for Excellence in Architectural Thesis" the annual program conducted by the Council of Architecture through its academic unit Council of Architecture Training and Research Centre (COA TRC) completed its eleventh cycle in 2016.

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Destigmatising Kamathipura - A socio-spatial restructuring project Mumbai - by Syed Majid Raza Adibi - 08-19-2023, 06:07 AM

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