Precast Concrete Columns And Wall Panels

Precast Concrete Columns And Wall Panels

Provide support for beam and slab elements.

Since these elements carry mainly axial loads with little bending force, they may be conventionally reinforced without prestressing.

Or, long, slender multistory elements may be prestressed to provide resistance to bending forces during handling and erection (columns at right).

[Image: precast1.jpg][Image: precast2.jpg][Image: precast3.jpg]

Wall panels can be ribbed, to increase their vertical span capacity while minimizing weight, or formed into other special shapes.

Precast concrete wall panels may be solid hollow, or sandwiched (with an insulating core).

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Precast Concrete Columns And Wall Panels - by fdaforum - 08-14-2014, 07:27 AM

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