Frank Lloyd Wright (FLW) - Life and Philosophies

Frank Lloyd Wright (1867- 1959)
Considered best architect of last 125 years.
American Architect
Worked under Louis Sullivan
Influenced by the British Arts and Crafts Movement
Influenced European modern architects

Created the philosophy of ORGANIC ARCHITECTURE, which maintains that the building must develop out of its surroundings.
known for the Prairie Houses, characterized by asymmetrical plans and low, wide overhanging eaves.

“Do not try to teach design.
Teach Principles.”

[Image: flw.jpg]


strong eastern influences
use of natural materials like bricks, stone and wood
use of textured concrete
designs that blend well in its environment
focused more on residential designs

Frank Lloyd Wright said: "Every great architect is necessarily a great poet. He must be a great original interpreter of his time, his day, his age."

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