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Posted by: sunil zende
09-28-2014, 07:00 AM
Forum: Architecture
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Students having academically good background in physics and mathematics are better suited for the study of architecture. He chould be a creative artist with an interest and bent towards designing. Ability to sketch, free hand plan. He needs to have an imaginative and perspective outlook. Awareness of social and environmental factors, observant attitude adds to the advantage while designing structures. Apart from being technically sound, good mathematical ability is important as the work involves complex designing problems, building economies and cost estimations. Often architects deal with legal procedures and documents making it necessary for them to understand legal language related to the profession.

Good communication skills, hardwork , physical stamina to work on the desk as well on the site, a high degree of concentration level, flexibility, patience, team spirit, responsibility and accountability are some other important traits of the profession.

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Posted by: sunil zende
09-28-2014, 06:56 AM
Forum: Architecture
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Architecture - Specialization (Post Graduation)

Some architects prefer to go in for specialization at the post graduate level. They may choose to specialize in India or Abroad. The subjects of specialization may include urban designing, town Planning, regional planning, building engineering and management, architectural conservation, industrial design, landscape architecture, naval architecture, architecture concerning traffic and transport planning etc.

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Posted by: sunil zende
09-28-2014, 06:50 AM
Forum: Architecture
- Replies (2)

Architecture - Career Prospects

There is a huge gap in the demand and supply. Annual requirement projections of architects stands over 10,000 which is expected to rise further and the training facilities available are still short. All these factors contribute in making this field a very competetive one with healthy career prospects.

Employment opportunities for architects are available in government as well as private sectors. Some of the government organisations include Public Works Department, the Archaeological Department, Ministry of Defence, Departments of Railways, Post and Telegraphs, Public Sector Undertakings, National Building Organisation, Town and Country Planning Organisation, National Institute of Urban Affairs, Housing and Urban Development Corporation, National Building Construction Corporation Ltd., City Development Authorities etc. Besides these organisations, various other institutes and agencies like State Departments, Housing Boards, Local Bodies responsible for construction works also recruit architects.

Openings in the private sector exist with the Builders, Architecture Firms, Consultants etc. Architects with some experience can even set up their own business as Consultants and Contractors.

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Posted by: sunil zende
09-28-2014, 06:46 AM
Forum: Architecture
- Replies (2)

Architecture - Nature and scope of work

Architecture is the study which deals with planning and designing of building and structures. Architecture has been practiced since ages in different parts of the world. Roman, Victorian, Moslem and Indian architecture, are few such examples. Architects blend their vision and dreams with materials to erect milestones which leave a powerful imprint on human mankind. The rapidly changing demands and requirements asks for professionally trained architects who can not only cope with changing times but also design and deliver quality, environment friendly constructions.

Designing any structure not only moves around giving physical face lift to it but involves other important factors which are equally important like its functional utility, safety and economy. Architects engage themselves in designing of a variety of structures including houses, apartments and colonies, offices and industrial complexes, hospitals, hotels, airport terminals, stadium, shopping and commercial complexes, schools etc. They provide professional services to individuals and organisations not only regarding new constructions but also in alterations and renovations.

Clients approach architects with some idea of what they want, but with little awareness regarding its feasibility. A good architect is the one who strikes a right balance between aesthetics and practicality. The work starts on the basis of ideas and requirements of the client like its appearance, financial budget and time frame. The architect then begins his job with sketching and making plans with details of sizes, specification and estimates of the cost of the structure. Sometimes models and graphics are also used for presentations. Once the plans are finalized and accepted by the client, the architect has to obtain the approval and permission of the local authority for construction. Subsequently, the architect negotiates contracts with building contractors, engineers and surveyors after which the construction starts. Architects responsibility begins right form designing and planning the structure until the very same is erected.

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Posted by: avinash_patni
09-18-2014, 09:21 AM
Forum: Architecture
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Punjab Legislative Assembly - Chandigarh Vidhan sabha

[Image: chandigarh%20(5).jpg] [Image: chandigarh%20(6).jpg]

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Posted by: fdaforum
09-16-2014, 06:43 AM
Forum: Architecture
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Bird's Park Kuala Lumpur

[img]'s%20Park/BIRD'S%20PARK%20(28).jpg[/img] [img]'s%20Park/BIRD'S%20PARK%20(32).jpg[/img]

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Posted by: fdaforum
09-16-2014, 06:43 AM
Forum: Architecture
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Bird's Park Kuala Lumpur

[Image: park3.jpg] [Image: park4.jpg]

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Posted by: fdaforum
09-16-2014, 06:41 AM
Forum: Architecture
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Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay, Singapore

[Image: AUDITORIUM%20(14).jpg] [Image: AUDITORIUM%20(15).jpg] [Image: AUDITORIUM%20(16).jpg]

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Posted by: fdaforum
09-16-2014, 06:40 AM
Forum: Architecture
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Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay, Singapore

[Image: AUDITORIUM%20(10).jpg] [Image: AUDITORIUM%20(11).jpg] [Image: AUDITORIUM%20(12).jpg] [Image: AUDITORIUM%20(13).jpg]

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Posted by: fdaforum
09-16-2014, 06:39 AM
Forum: Architecture
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Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay, Singapore

[Image: AUDITORIUM%20(6).jpg] [Image: AUDITORIUM%20(7).jpg] [Image: AUDITORIUM%20(8).jpg] [Image: AUDITORIUM%20(9).jpg]

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