Environmental Protection Requirements for Metro Stations

Environmental Protection Requirements

The Concessionaire shall implement the environmental protection requirements applicable to the Works.


The design of the permanent works shall comply fully with the following requirements:

(i) All parts, including non-structural parts, of the structures shall minimize as far as practicable the radiation of noise due to vibration caused by the passage of Trains. Particular attention shall be paid to the minimization of noise at the low end of the acoustic frequency spectrum; and

(ii)walls and slabs intended to contain airborne noise from the Trains shall be of concrete of 200 mm minimum thickness and shall be purpose-made, non-combustible and vibration absorbing / dampening, and shall utilise GRC panels or similar construction.

Allowable Range of Noise levels:

The allowable range of noise levels for different land uses are:

Residential : 50 – 70 dbA
Business and Commercia : 75 dbA
Hospitals : 60 dbA
Rural : 45 – 50 dbA

Provision of Noise barriers:

Noise shall be reduced to locally acceptable levels by provision of low vibration track forms, resilient base plates, design of parapet walls and treatment of their track side surface. They shall be supplemented by providing sound absorption material on sides of the viaduct superstructures. Additional noise barriers shall be provided in lengths of viaducts and bridges passing through sensitive residential or hospital zones. The choice of barrier type and their disposition along the parapet / railing shall be closely related to aesthetics of the structures.

Front Desk Architects
Email: architect@frontdesk.co.in , Tel: +91 0141 6693948

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