01-17-2015, 07:37 AM
A Traditional Neighborhood Development, or TND, also known as a village-style development, includes a variety of housing types, a mixture of land uses, an active center, a walkable design and often a transit option within a compact neighborhood scale area. TNDs can be developed either as infill in an existing developed area or as a new large scale project.
Sustainability Principles
Sustainability Principles
- Encouraging economic diversity and vitality
- Encouraging development into areas that can best accommodate it
- Using existing infrastructure
- Encouraging clustering
- Preserving and reusing structures of historical and/or architectural significance
- Encouraging development patterns similar to traditional neighborhoods, including pedestrian scale
- Maintaining distinctions between rural/suburban/urban areas
- Encouraging economic expansion, job creation and stability
- Insuring that municipal services and facilities are adequate to meet public needs, without subsidizing development
- Minimizing infrastructure costs
- Minimizing traffic congestion caused by new development
- Creates walkable neighborhoods
- Brings life to communities by allowing mixtures of uses
- Encourages transportation mode options
- Protects open space
- Preserves "village center" and public spaces concept
- Creates communities designed for live, work and play
- Reduces vehicle congestion