Bamboo : Building Construction Techniques

Bamboo has a long and well established tradition as a building material throughout the world’s tropical and sub-tropical regions. Natural organic materials such as bamboo have a very important and unique role in the effort to alleviate housing and infrastructure problems, particularly in developing countries.

आधुनिक परिवेश में वनाच्‍छादित क्षेत्र तेजी से घट रहे हैं और इससे लकड़ि‍यों की उपलब्‍धता भी घट रही है। पिछले कई दशकों के दौरान संचालित अनुसंधान और विकास कार्यों से यह तथ्‍य प्रमाणित हुआ है कि बांस, लकड़ी का एक व्‍यावहारिक विकल्‍प हो सकता है और यह आवास और भवन निर्माण क्षेत्र के साथ ही कई बुनियादी कार्यों के लिए कई अन्‍य पारम्‍परिक सामग्रियों का स्‍थान ले सकता है। 

It is widely used for many forms of construction, in particular for housing in rural areas. Bamboo is a renewable and versatile resource, characterised by high strength and low weight, and is easily worked using simple tools. As such, bamboo constructions are easy to build, resilient to wind and even earthquake forces (given the correct detailing) and readily repairable in the event of damage. Associated products (bamboo based panels and bamboo reinforced concrete, for example) also find applications in the construction process.

Bamboo grows in abundance in many parts of the world, especially in tropical and subtropical regions. Bamboo forests play an important role in controlling water cycles, reducing erosion and sequestering carbon from the atmosphere.

There is a long-standing tradition of bamboo construction and small buildings, dating back many hundreds of years. Different cultures have found in this material an economical system of building, offering sound yet light and easily replaceable forms of shelter. The methods, activities
and tools are often simple, straightforward and accessible to even the young and unskilled

निर्माण कार्यों में इस्‍तेमाल होने वाली बांस की कुछ प्रजातियi :
  • बाम्‍बूसा Bambusa
    बाम्‍बूसा बालकूआ, Bambusa balcooa
    बाम्‍बूसा बाम्‍बोस, Bambusa bambos
    बाम्‍बूसा टुल्‍डा,  Bambusa tulda
    डेन्‍ड्रोकलामुस गिगांसस, Dendrocalamus giganteus
    डेन्‍ड्रोकलामुस हेमिलटोनी, Dendrocalamus hamiltonii
    डेन्‍ड्रोकलामुस एस्‍पर Dendrocalamus asper

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Bamboo : Building Construction Techniques - by FDArchitects - 09-08-2018, 02:50 PM
RE: Bamboo : Building Construction Techniques - by Manish Jain - 10-27-2018, 06:40 AM

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