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Posted by: Richa Industries
08-21-2014, 08:48 AM
Forum: Architecture
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AAC blocks are :

1. Light Weight/Cellular Properties
2. Termite/Pest /Water Resistant
3. Acoustic Performance
4. Earthquake Resistance
5. Eco Friendly
6. Fire Resistance
7. Precision
8. Faster Construction
9. Easy Workability and Design Flexibility
10. Thermal Insulation and Energy Efficient

[Image: acc3(1).jpg]

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Posted by: Richa Industries
08-21-2014, 08:46 AM
Forum: Architecture
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Natural Hazard : Earth quake resistance

Tiny cells in Richa AAC blocks form major force and prevent progressive collapse.

Lightweight blocks reduce mass of a structure, thus decreasing the impact of an earthquake on a building.

Non-combustible nature provides an advantage against fires, which commonly accompanies earthquakes.

[Image: acc4.jpg]

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Posted by: Richa Industries
08-21-2014, 08:45 AM
Forum: Architecture
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Resist damage by Termites and other Pests

AAC blocks are made up of non-allergic materials which prevent damage by termites and other pests.

Wall painting and plastering lasts longer as almost nil efflorescence affects.

Retain properties for long time

Provide superior resistance to air and moisture penetration.

Blocks have much lower water retention or capillary action.

Its silicon based activates enhance water barrier properties

[Image: acc5.jpg]

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Posted by: Richa Industries
08-21-2014, 08:43 AM
Forum: Architecture
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Acoustically Absorbent

AAC blocks consist of millions of micro non-interconnected air cells, giving low air porosity. This gives a high resistance to the passage of air- borne sound relative to density.

Thus AAC blocks provide excellent sound absorption with an STC (Sound Transmission Class) rating of 44. Because of its tiny air cell structure, it provides superior sound insulation, hence these blocks are preferred in construction of flat systems, hotels, IT offices, recording studios, multiplexes, etc.

Superior sound absorption qualities due to porous structure of blocks increase work efficiency.

Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating of 44- Results in virtually sound proof interiors.

[Image: acc6.jpg]

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Posted by: Richa Industries
08-21-2014, 08:42 AM
Forum: Architecture
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Thermal Insulation and Energy Efficient

Richa AAC Blocks have the highest thermal ratings in the industry and approximately 1/3rd density that of Conventional Building Blocks.

Tiny air pores and thermal mass of blocks provide excellent thermal insulation.

Thermal conductivity of AAC is 0.16W/(K-M)

Low specific conductivity makes heating and cooling very efficient.

Reduction in electrical load helps to reduce cost in terms of DG set, electrical transformer, panels.load connection, running bill of electricity etc.

Generates regular saving of energy and global warming.

Fewer joints make better thermal and sound insulation

[Image: acc7.jpg]

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Posted by: Richa Industries
08-21-2014, 08:41 AM
Forum: Architecture
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Fire Resistant

Richa blocks are totally inorganic and incombustible . The product is especially suited for fire-rated applications. The fire resistance of Richa blocks has proven its outstanding fire ratings.Richa AAC Blocks are fire resistant up to 1600°C (more than twice the typical temperature in a building fire of 650°C)allows it to maintain its structural integrity even after fire.

–Can withstand up to 6 hours of direct exposure.


–Well suited for fire walls and fire protection of structural steel.

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Posted by: Richa Industries
08-21-2014, 08:39 AM
Forum: Architecture
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[Image: acc3.jpg]

Savings due to Light Weight

Richa -AAC Blocks has an average compressive strength of (28-35)kg/cm2 which is superior to most types of light weight blocks, 25% more stronger than other products of same density.

Richa AAC blocks are ideal for the entire building structure and possess high structural integrity. The Product’s light weight and easy work ability means that it is very quick to install on site.

– Very light weight (550- 600 kg/m3) makes them 3-4 times lighter than traditional bricks.
– Usage reduces overall dead load of a building, thereby direct reduction of cost in terms of steel up to 15% and concrete upto 7%.
– Less breakage-less wastage in comparison to other similar products.
– Save construction time and total materials required for the construction of the entire building.

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Posted by: Richa Industries
08-21-2014, 08:34 AM
Forum: Architecture
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Product specifications - AAC Blocks : In different shapes and sizes

L, M-F and U shape

AAC blocks are highly versatile and come in different shapes and sizes.

The basic M-F block is also known as Male and Female block are designed in such away that they lock easily.

The L block creates the ability to reinforce the walls with rods tying them to the horizontal structure of the ceiling.

U shaped AAC blocks allow a horizontal reinforcement of the wall.

[Image: shape.jpg]

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Posted by: Richa Industries
08-21-2014, 08:31 AM
Forum: Architecture
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Eco Friendly Richa AAC – Blocks

Formed out of the reaction of Aluminium on a proportionate blend of Lime, Cement and Fly ash. The hydrogen gas that escapes creates millions of tiny air cells, giving it a strong honeycomb like structure.

Richa uses the process of automation and steam-curing applications to give strength to Richa AAC blocks

Advantage : Richa AAC blocks

100% Green Building certified by Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED)

Make productive use of fly ash. (Pollutant waste of power plant)

Non-polluting manufacturing process – the only by-product is steam.

Made of non-toxic ingredients.

Does not exude gases.

Carbon credits can be earned on AAC

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Posted by: Richa Industries
08-21-2014, 08:30 AM
Forum: Architecture
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Benefits of AAC

Automated manufacturing process gives AAC an exceptional dimensional accuracy and smooth surfaces, eliminating the need of three coat plaster walls and allow for a final 6mm skim coat (POP)

Approximately 35% of saving during plastering walls.

Less joints and precision cut help in mortar saving up to 60%.

Labour savings in terms of better efficiency and more coverage in a day.

Reduces construction time by approximately 20%.

Different sizes of blocks help to increase carpet area.

Blocks fixing with chemicals in absence of water.

Sets and hardens quickly.

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