Types of Wall Systems.
Also known as exterior wall. It braces from the roof to the floor. Types of load bearing walls are
Also known as interior wall (doesn’t carry other load than its own load)
Types of non load bearing walls are :
There are three types of brick bondings viz;
Flemish Bond Alternate bricks are placed as header and stretcher in every course. Each header is placed centrally between the stretcher immediately above and below. This is not as strong as the English bond at 1 brick thick.
English Bond Alternative courses of headers and stretchers; one header placed centrally above each stretcher. This is a very strong bond when the wall is 1 brick thick (or thicker). One of the strongest brickwork bond patterns.
Stretcher Bond Easiest bond to lay & minimizes the amount of cutting required Originally used for single brick walls, now called 1/2 brick walls it became the obvious choice for cavity walls as less cutting was required.
Vertical bowing and horizontal bending or collapse of wall is usually caused by the wall not resisting vertical pressures from foundation or upper floors & roofs or horizontal pressures from strong winds and retained earth.
Usual cause for failure of wall are as follows: