The Nagar Palika is responsible for water supply, hospitals, roads, street-lighting, drainage, fire-brigade, market places, solid-waste management and records of births and deaths.
Municipal Councils are units designated for smaller areas than the Municipal Corporations. State statutes govern Municipal Councils. The Municipal Council, the President elected by the councillors from among themselves, the Committees and the Executive / Chief Officer constitute the structure of this type of municipal government. The size of each Municipal Council varies from state to state, with the municipal acts prescribing both the maximum and the minimum number of councillors with terms of office varying from three to five years. In some states, the council Presidents are elected directly by the citizens. In a number of states, the term of the President varies from one to three years and is not co-terminus with that of the council.
The President has a substantive position in the municipal administration and enjoys significant authority and power both in the deliberative and executive arms of the municipality. The powers and functions of the Municipal Council Committees are the same as those of the Municipal Corporation. In most states, the state government appoints the Executive Officer. In some states, the council makes the appointment, but his or her independence has been confirmed by making removal from office difficult. generally by a three-quarter majority vote.
Urban Development Management Study notes for M. plan Sem-III
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