Compound Pipe flow
The system is called compound pipe flow: When two or more pipes with different diameters are connected together head to tail (in series) or connected to two common nodes (in parallel)
Flow Through Pipes in Series
pipes of different lengths and different diameters connected end to end (in series) to form a pipeline
Discharge: The discharge through each pipe is the same
Head loss: The difference in liquid surface levels is equal to the sum of the total head loss in the pipes:
Flow Through Parallel Pipes:
If a main pipe divides into two or more branches and again join together downstream to form a single pipe, then the branched pipes are said to be connected in parallel (compound pipes).
Points A and B are called nodes
Discharge: equal to the sum of the discharges in the pipes:
Head loss: the head loss for each branch is the same
Urban Infrastructure and Network Study notes for M. plan Sem-III
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