Evaluation is an important tool to measure your project performance and to demonstrate the achievements of your project.9
Purpose of evaluation
Demonstrating how far a project has achieved its objectives, how well it has used its resources, and what has been its impact: •What did your project achieve? •How successful has your project been? •Has it met its targets? •Did you spend the money as planned? •Has the money been spent effectively and efficiently, and with what impact?
Improving the performance, management and effectiveness of the project: •How efficiently did you implement your project? •Are the management arrangements working efficiently? •Are programmes properly targeted in terms of eligibility? Is the time plan being adhered to?
Knowledge production
Understanding what works (for whom), why and in what contexts. •What have we now learned about what works? •Is this an efficient way of achieving goals, or are there alternatives? •What evidence is there regarding the sustainability of the project?
Planning / efficiency
Ensuring that there is a justification for the project, and that resources are being efficiently deployed: •Was your project worth implementing? •Is this the best use of public money? •Are there alternative uses of resources that would yield more benefit? •Is there equivalence between the costs incurred and the benefits that followed? •Did you spend the money in an efficient way?
Institutional strengthening
Improving and developing capacity among project participants and their networks and institutions. •Are project partners and local communities sufficiently involved in your project? •What can be done to increase participation and develop consensus? •Are the project mechanisms supportive and open to ‘bottom up’ feedback?
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Professional Practice Study notes for M. plan Sem-IV
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