Trip generation analysis

Trip generation analysis is a component of the Four Step Travel Demand Model that aims to estimate the number of trips that will be generated by a particular land use, such as a residential development, commercial area, or industrial park. It is typically the first step in the travel demand modeling process and provides the […]

Policy scenarios formulation

In developing scenarios, we can distinguish different phases in any policy building process : 1. Problem characterization  A specific scenario exercise will have to start with the definition of the policy issue at stake, for example, energy security, climate change, and so on, and, related to that, the system boundaries, that is, what is the […]

Best practices of Land use transport integration abroad

Evolution of Copenhagen’s “transit first” plan Rail infrastructure was built, often in advance of demand, to steer growth along desired growth axes. The evolution of Copenhagen- from a finger plan to a directed rail-investment program along defined growth axes to a finger-like urbanization patterns. Best practices of Land use transport integration abroad Housing in Singapore […]

TOD strategic plan for Bhopal

Step-by-Step Process 16 1.Assess : Determines the Scale and scope for the Bhopal TOD Plan taking into consideration existing nodal agency priorities, data availability, and a cursory review of existing plans 1.Review Nature of Transit , BRT ,Metro ,Station Areas 2.Institutional Framework 3.Previous Plans- Bhopal Master Plan, DCRs, Bhumi Vikas Adhiniyam 2.Enable : Recommendations to […]

Influence Zone Policy for TOD : Delhi

Zone 1: Intense TOD Zone •300 M influence zone of all MRTS Stations •800m* (10-min walking @5 km/hour) influence zone of Regional Interchange Station (i.e. Rail -MRTS, or two MRTS lines.) Zone 2: Standard TOD Zone •800m* (10-min walking) influence zone of all MRTS Stations. Zone 3: TOD Transition Zone • 2000m** (10-minute cycling distance […]

Best practices of Land use transport integration in India Ahmedabad and Mumbai

An incremental and progressive approach to Bus based TOD Ahmedabad exmplifies an incremental approach to the implemention of TOD. After struggling with declining ridership on public transit, Ahmedabad introduced a modern Bus Rapid Transit System called ‘Janmarg’. The operational success of the Janmarg has catalyzed the use of policy directives that leverage the BRT to […]

The benefits of Transit-Oriented Development

•Promoting higher densities and the concentration of jobs within relatively small areas, TOD creates agglomeration effects proven to boost a city’s competitiveness. •This concentration creates vibrant communities with high-quality public areas and shorter commuting distances—making cities more livable. •Compact urban development and high-quality public transit also mutually reinforce each other: mass transit can support the […]

Mixed-use and Efficient Buildings

Regional facilities Neighborhood facilities and retail Efficient buildings Pedestrian-street interaction Register & Download PDF for Educational Purposes Only Land use and Transport Planning  Study notes for M. plan Sem-II Land use and Transport Planning.pdf Register as member and login to download attachment [pdf] by right-click the pdf link and Select “Save link as” use for Educational Purposes Only Disclaimer […]

Vehicle Demand Management

Optimization of daily commutes 19‘ A.The creation and implementation of a transportation demand management program (TDM) to decrease automobile trips by a minimum of 20% during peak hours and within 3 years of the project’s construction B.Half-priced transit tickets for at least one year for every new resident of the project within its first three […]