Illumination calculation software

There are several software tools available for illumination calculation in a project, including: Each software tool has its own set of features and capabilities, so it’s important to choose the one that best fits the specific needs of your project. Illumination in architecture – home page FD Architect Community Forum Discussion Download Study Notes PDF […]

Roadway Lighting Layouts

For two lane roads, pedestrian-scale lighting may provide the required level of illumination for the street and sidewalk. However, if this does not produce the required results or if the roads are wider (4 or more lanes), pedestrian-scale lighting will typically have to be supplemented with taller overhead lighting poles. The main purpose of the […]

Exterior illumination

Mounting and Suspension Systems Mounting and suspension systems are important components of an exterior lighting system, as they are responsible for holding and positioning the fixtures in place. Here are some common mounting and suspension systems for exterior illumination: 7.Hinged Steel Columns : These columns are available for mounting heights up to about 25 metres, […]

Exterior lighting system

An exterior lighting system is a lighting system designed to provide illumination for the exterior of a building or outdoor space. These systems are typically used for safety and security purposes, as well as for aesthetic reasons. Here are some common components of an exterior lighting system: An effective exterior lighting system should provide the […]

LED light : The Kelvin Scale

LED color temperature is a way to describe the light appearance and it is measured using the Kelvin scale represented by numbers followed by a “K”.  Manufacturers and retailers can differ in their definition of the light range titles. The Kelvin scale is a measure of the color temperature of light sources, including LED lights. […]

Classification of lighting system

Lighting systems can be classified based on a variety of factors, including the type of light source being used, the purpose of the lighting, the level of control or automation, and the design approach. Here are some common classifications of lighting systems: These are just a few examples of how lighting systems can be classified. […]

Artificial light sources

Artificial light sources are devices that produce light through the use of electricity or other means. They are used in a variety of applications, from general lighting in homes and offices to specialized lighting in industries such as automotive manufacturing, photography, and medicine. Here are some of the most common types of artificial light sources: […]

Identification of Lighting Requirements

Lighting requirements are primarily dictated by the function of a space or the tasks being performed within it. Lighting requirements are usually specified by value of illuminance The National Building Code of India 2016 (NBC 2016) provides recommended values of illuminance for different types of spaces. These recommended values are based on the activities that […]