An exterior lighting system is a lighting system designed to provide illumination for the exterior of a building or outdoor space. These systems are typically used for safety and security purposes, as well as for aesthetic reasons. Here are some common components of an exterior lighting system:

  1. Fixtures: Exterior lighting fixtures can come in a variety of styles and designs, depending on the application. Common types of fixtures include floodlights, wall-mounted sconces, bollards, and post lights.
  2. Light sources: LED lights are commonly used in exterior lighting systems due to their energy efficiency and long lifespan. However, other types of light sources such as metal halide, high pressure sodium, and fluorescent lamps may also be used.
  3. Control systems: Exterior lighting systems may be controlled by timers, sensors, or manual switches. Timers can be set to turn lights on and off at specific times, while sensors can detect motion or ambient light levels to automatically adjust lighting levels.
  4. Wiring and power supply: Exterior lighting systems require a power supply and wiring to connect fixtures to the power source. Wiring must be designed to withstand outdoor conditions and may need to be buried underground.
  5. Design considerations: Exterior lighting systems must be designed to meet local codes and regulations, and should also take into account factors such as light pollution, glare, and energy efficiency. Proper placement of fixtures can also enhance the aesthetics of a building or outdoor space.

An effective exterior lighting system should provide the appropriate level of illumination for the intended application, while also meeting safety and energy efficiency requirements.

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