Census Definition of House & Household

The Census of India conducted in 1971 defined a house and household as follows: Census House:  as a building or part of a building having a separate main entrance from the road or common courtyard or stair case etc. Used or recognised as a separate unit. It may be inhabited or vacant. A house was […]

Shelter as a basic requirement

Shelter is considered a basic human requirement, along with food, water, and clothing. It provides protection and security, and is essential for physical and emotional well-being. Here are some reasons why shelter is considered a basic requirement: Investments in shelter not only improve and expand the available stock of housing units, but also improve both […]

History of Housing

The history of housing can be traced back to the earliest human settlements, where people constructed basic shelters to protect themselves from the elements and predators. Over time, housing has evolved to become an important aspect of human society, with various social, economic, and political factors shaping its development. Here are some key milestones in […]

Environmental Planning

Urban planners & Managers play a critical role in ensuring that urban areas are able to function sustainably. Since resources are finite, addressing environmental issues insufficiently has severe consequences: health hazards, loss of biodiversity, and ultimately, a lower quality of life. Internationally UN  recognizes this issue and conduct following important conference / commission on environmentally […]



Housing is a basic need of man.  In importance, it is third after food and clothing. “रोटी कपड़ा और मकान” Even the Neolithic man who lived between 10,000 and 2000 B.C. built durable habitation like pit dwellings, lake dwellings and beehive huts.  However, its functions increased manifold over the years. Housing means provision of comfortable […]


Housing finance refers to the process of providing financial assistance to individuals or organizations to purchase or construct a home or other type of housing unit. Housing finance can take many forms, including mortgages, home loans, and construction loans, among others. In most cases, housing finance is provided by financial institutions such as banks, credit […]

Types of Housing

Housing generally refers to a type of shelter or accommodation where people live. It can come in various forms, such as apartments, houses, townhouses, condominiums, and mobile homes. The type of housing that people choose to live in often depends on their lifestyle, income level, family size, and personal preferences. Housing is a basic human […]