
Housing is a basic need of man.  In importance, it is third after food and clothing. “रोटी कपड़ा और मकान” Even the Neolithic man who lived between 10,000 and 2000 B.C. built durable habitation like pit dwellings, lake dwellings and beehive huts.  However, its functions increased manifold over the years.

Housing means provision of comfortable shelter and such surrounding and basic services as like water, sanitation and social infrastructure like school, health centers or communication facilities as would keep the occupant fit and cheerful all the day of the year.  

Housing defined as ‘shelter plus service‘ is a concept that combines housing with supportive services to help individuals and families achieve and maintain stable housing. This approach recognizes that simply providing a physical shelter is not enough to address the complex needs of many individuals who are experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity.

In the ‘shelter plus service’ model, housing is viewed as a fundamental human right and an essential component of overall health and well-being. Supportive services such as case management, healthcare, employment assistance, and mental health and substance abuse treatment are integrated into the housing program to address the underlying issues that may have contributed to homelessness or housing insecurity.

This approach has been shown to be effective in reducing homelessness and improving housing stability, particularly for vulnerable populations such as individuals with disabilities, veterans, and families with children. The ‘shelter plus service’ model has been implemented in various forms by governments, non-profit organizations, and private entities around the world, with a growing emphasis on the need for cross-sector collaboration and coordinated systems of care to ensure that individuals receive the right services at the right time.

History of Housing

Shelter as a basic requirement

Census Definition of House & Household

Rural and Urban areas – Census Definition

INDIAN CENSUS – House-listings

Census Meta Data on House-listing & Housing Census

Dwelling Unit

Types of Housing

Housing as Important component of Development

Determinants of housing form

Housing demand & Housing need

Housing Shortage

Housing Age

Occupancy Rate

National Housing Policy & CM’s Jan Awas Yojana -2015

Social Factors Affecting Housing

Housing affordability : Affordable housing

Slum up-gradation

Core Housing

Community Housing

Housing Standards – As per IS 8888 (part-I) : 1993 Indian Standard OF LOW INCOME HOUSING – GUIDE


Environmental planning

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