Legal Framework: Urban planning legislation is considered one of the

urban planning tools, and a key element of sustainable urban development inputs. Legal frameworks consist of:

1. Planning regulations: This lay down what development is permitted on urban land.

2. Planning standards: which specify the level and quality to which all formally suitable land and housing development should conform

3. Administrative procedures: which instruct the official steps that urban development should follow to be formally acceptable.  

Stakeholder’s Participation: Public Participation in urban planning aims to give people a say in the development decisions that may affect them and to ensure that development interventions are convenient with the needs and preferences of the population that they are intended to benefit

Tools available for participatory development planning are :

1. Information-Sharing Tools: Traditional media such as newspaper, radio, and television or electronic media such as websites and emails or via meetings and presentations with the communities in a given area can be used to serve as tools for a participatory planning process.

2. Consultation Tools: Discussion forums such as round tables, public hearings, town meetings, community debates, focus groups, or electronic conferencing, surveys, opinion polls for stakeholders, who are either concerned in or can be influenced by the  development decisions, can be effective tools that help the competent entities to hear them.

3. Collaborative Planning Tools: These include: constitutional techniques such as stakeholder representation on decision-making entities, establishment of local-level planning committees, participatory budgeting, or finance schemes to fund community oriented development.

Administrative empowerment means to give the employees powers and responsibilities and encourage them to participate and to be initiative to take the appropriate decisions. It gives them the freedom to perform their work in their own way without higher administration direct intervention

Empowerment Techniques: 1.Empowerment through Participation: 2.Empowerment through Involvement: 3.Empowerment through Commitment: Empowerment through De-layering

Capital Budget : capital budgets have multiple objectives-as instruments of fiscal policy, as windows on the net worth of public bodies, and as vehicles of development, particularly in the area of economic infrastructure.

The capital budget is the “blueprint” of needed spending for the current or first year in the capital plan as part of the municipality’s annual budget based on current revenue projections for the municipality.  

Land Management :  Land policy is the set of intentions embodied in various policy instruments that are adopted by the state to organize land tenure and land use.

Land administration comprises the functions involved in implementation land policy, i.e. land business operation.

land management can be seen to play a coordinating role between land policy and land administration

Land management involves the processes which allocate land resources “over space and time according to human needs, wishes and requests, within the framework of human technological invention, political and social institutions, and legal and administrative measures.”

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