A public policy is a deliberate plan of actions of the government to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes. Public policy can be generally defined as the course of action or inaction taken by governmental entities with regard to a particular issue or set of issues. The foundation of public policy is composed of national constitutional laws and regulations.

B. Guy Peters defines public policy as “the set of activities that governments engage in for the purpose of changing their economy and society“,

Public policy focuses on the decisions that create the outputs of a political system, such as transport policies, the management of a public health service, the administration of a system schooling and the organization of a defense force.   Therefore public policy :

•Is purpose

•Is responsive

•Is authoritative

•Resolves conflict

•Has public input

Public Problem

Defining a public  problem is an act of conceptualizing collective problems or challenges to be dealt with. It involves mobilizing others in a specific way to look at problems and solutions, public problems are socially or politically created.

The questions focusing the problem situation are:3

•What is the context?

•Who are the key actors and other stakeholders? : policy makers and decision makers, evaluation sponsors, target participants, programme management, programme staff, evaluators, programme competitors, contextual stakeholders and evaluation community.

•What is the policy problem?: Defining a policy problem is an act of conceptualizing collective problems or challenges to be dealt with. It involves mobilizing others in a specific way to look at problems and solutions. Whether a certain condition is viewed as a problem or not depends on our perceptions and is not inherent in the condition or situation itself.

•What are the relevant variables and outcome criteria?

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