Infrastructure is understood as an important input for urban development.

infra” stems from the Latin language, meaning below, thus “infrastructure” can be taken to express “foundation“ of urban development.


Infrastructure is the set of fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, or other area, including the services and facilities necessary for its economy to function.

There are 2 broad classifications of infrastructures.

Physical infrastructure. It includes physical objects like roads, bridges, water supply, sewerage, Strom water drainage, flood protection schemes, energy networks… list is not definitive and evolves through time. It  is one of the major assets of a city in terms of capital investment, critical services provisioning, and sustainable and resilient urban development. It provide the basic services upon which the city is built.

Social infrastructure. They concern with the supply of such services as to meet the basic needs of a society. build on the physical ones yet constitute another layer. They include, but are not limited to, health infrastructures (such as hospitals), educational infrastructures (such as schools), cultural infrastructures (museums, for example), penal infrastructures (prisons), and others

Urban areas can be seen as large and complex sociotechnical systems composed of two subsystems or layers:

physical subsystem, configured by the built environment and the physical infrastructures, and

human subsystem configured by the human activities and interactions .

This particular dual nature of cities classifieds them as sociotechnical systems (STS), which are socially constructed both by the economic and social activities and by the institutions (rules) governing the urban system (which in turn conditions the everyday routines of actors).

Therefore in urban areas we are including their :

Physical components : referring to buildings, roads, and electricity distribution networks

Social components : organizational structures, institutional arrangements, and sociocultural meanings and agents inhabiting them that is, city government, companies, neighborhoods’ history and culture, and citizens.

Cities are heavily dependent upon urban infrastructure systems, which are themselves intrinsically interrelated and interdependent. Urban infrastructure systems rely upon each other and evolve by influencing each other.

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