Modal split is the distribution of travel demand among different transportation modes, such as walking, cycling, public transport, and private vehicles. It is an essential aspect of transportation planning as it helps to understand the use of different transportation modes by travelers and to develop strategies to encourage the use of sustainable transportation modes.

The modal split can be influenced by various factors such as accessibility, travel time, cost, comfort, reliability, and convenience. Travelers may choose different modes depending on the distance of their trip, the availability of transportation options, their socioeconomic characteristics, and the purpose of their trip.

The modal split can be estimated using various techniques, including survey methods, travel demand models, and observed data analysis. Survey methods involve collecting data from travelers about their travel patterns and mode choices. Travel demand models use mathematical equations to estimate the travel demand for each transportation mode. Observed data analysis involves analyzing the existing data on travel patterns and mode choices, such as ticket sales data, vehicle counts, and travel surveys.

Once the modal split is estimated, transportation planners can use this information to identify the most used modes and to develop policies and programs to promote sustainable transportation modes, such as public transport, cycling, and walking. Such strategies may include improving the accessibility of public transport, developing cycling and pedestrian infrastructure, providing incentives for the use of sustainable modes, and implementing policies such as road pricing, parking management, and congestion charges to discourage the use of private vehicles.

This term is used by transport planners to describe the phase where the choice of travel mode is incorporated into the model. The positioning of this stage is neither fixed nor singularly definable since elements of model split are part of the other stages. Its position within the transportation model differs between studies. It is either used at the trip generation stage by stratifying the total trips or at the assignment stage of the model. The main purpose of the model-split stage is to determine the trip shares of public, as against private, transport.

The modal split stage aims to estimate the distribution of travel demand among different transportation modes, which includes not only public and private transport but also non-motorized modes such as walking and cycling.

The modal split stage is a critical component of transportation planning as it provides insight into the travel behavior of the population and the factors that influence mode choice. This information is used to develop transportation policies and programs that encourage the use of sustainable transportation modes and reduce the reliance on single-occupancy vehicles.

In addition to estimating trip shares between public and private transport, the modal split stage also involves analyzing the mode choices of different demographic groups, trip purposes, and trip distances. This information is useful in identifying the target groups for transportation interventions and designing transportation infrastructure and services that meet the specific needs of these groups.

Major determinants of Public Patronage are

1. Socio economic characteristics of trip makers

2. Relative cost and service properties of the trip by car and that by public transport.

Variables used to identify the status at the household level are

1. Household income or car ownership directly

2. The number of persons per household.

3. The age and sex of household members.

4. The purpose of the trip.

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