Legislation is the preparing and enacting of laws by local, state, or national legislatures.

The term ‘legislature’ is a generic term meaning a body which legislates. The term ‘ Legg means law and “lature’ the place and etymologically Legislature means a place for law-making. Another term, which is used as a synonym of Legislature, is ‘Parliament.’ This word stands derived from the French word ‘Parley’ which means to ‘talk’ or to discuss and deliberate.

In this way, we can say ‘Parliament’ means the place where deliberations are held. Combining the two views, we can say Legislature or Parliament is that branch of government which performs the function of law­making through deliberations.

Legislation, also known as statutory law, is the basic structure of present legal system of India. Statutory laws are based on the statutes enacted and imposed by the legislature. A statute is a formal act of the Legislature in written form. It declares the will of the Legislature. It may be declaratory of the law, or a command which must be obeyed, or a prohibition forbidding a course of conduct or a particular act.

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