Optimal allocation of resources for infrastructure facilities is a critical issue in planning for development but it is also a critical consideration for the every day life of urban dweller.

In addition to optimal allocation, equally important is also the distribution of benefits in terms of infrastructure facilities and related quality of service. 9

Resource allocation is generally concerned with distributing the available resources among the needs of different groups of people. For the resources designated to infrastructure, allocating these resources have always been a dilemma. On one side, the demand for infrastructure services is rapidly growing due to population growth. On the other side, infrastructure provision costs are rising as well. For that, allocating infrastructure resources is not an easy task.

Government deals with investments designated to infrastructure carefully; they are always the subject of public and political observation. For that, a good planning practice based on adequate high-quality information is required to ensure the highest benefit from the allocated resources by implementing the right infrastructure at the right location at the right time.

Resource allocation is one of the issues of urban planning. Planning methods are considered good when they allocate resources efficiently and effectively. These methods can maintain the required level of service provision to achieve sustainability of infrastructure.

Planning methods are fundamental to follow an overall vision and to manage infrastructure needs for a longer term. They are effective for the communities that aim to have sustainable infrastructure or those that experience rapid population growth and/or have ageing infrastructure. Therefore, the central goal is to develop a technique for infrastructure allocation in order to maximize the benefits.

At the local administrative level; such as village or neighbourhood, infrastructure resource allocation requires consideration for the existing infrastructure within the local and surrounding areas. Linear infrastructure networks such as roads or an electrical grid is a kind of the infrastructure system, which is highly interconnected. This kind of infrastructure system requires neighbourhood-inclusive analysis technique for infrastructure resource allocation in the decision making process.

Criteria for infra structure resource allocation :

Equity based concept of resource allocation for utilitarian and non-utilitarian measure

Distribution of public services is evaluated based on social and spatial equity. Social equity can be expressed through various socio-economic groups of the inhabitants while spatial equity can be expressed through geographical locations.

Utilitarian : Measure of equality of mental reaction or satisfaction on the received resource or welfare

Non-Utilitarian Measure of equality of opportunity as a result of received resource.

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