Supreme Legislation
The Constitution of India is the supreme authority in regards to all matters relating to the executive, legislature and judiciary. Supreme legislation is that legislation which derives its power straight from the constitution. It cannot be challenged by any other legislative power.
In the Indian legal system, Acts of Parliament, Ordinances, laws made by President and Governors in the limits of their authority given by the Constitution are part of the supreme legislation. In India, the Parliament possesses the authority of supreme legislation.
Subordinate Legislation
Subordinate legislation is any other legislation which is lower in authority from supreme legislation and derives its power from any authority other than the sovereign power.
Whereas, legislation created by authorities like corporations, municipalities, universities under the authority of supreme legislation is part of subordinate legislation
Legislative powers are divided into three lists:
Union list, State list, and concurrent list.
Significance and Objectives of Legislation
Legislation is important for several reasons, including setting standards and controls to govern the actions of people and groups in the public and private spheres
Without legislature no country can run properly.
Legislation at all levels (local, state, or national ) can serve several purposes. It is used to regulate activities, authorize certain actions, supply resources such as funding, implement sanctions and permit or deny certain activities. For an issue to be considered for passage or denial in legislation, the item must first be proposed by a member of the legislature, such as a member of Congress or a judge. The item is then discussed among other members of the legislature, who decide whether to put the item up for consideration in passing legislation.
The importance of Legislation are paramount to the survival of our society as we know it. Without legislation, the society in which we live in today would be far different as we struggle to remain in control of our future.
Characteristics of the Legislation
Legislation in society lead to the progression of society. Legislation allow for the comfort of education to be taught. Having legislation within our community keeps society ordered.
Legislation, then, is a scheme of social control for the protection of those social interests which society thinks important enough to be protected.
Thus four concepts stand out as the chief characteristics of the Legislation :
1. It is a scheme of social control;
2. It is for the protection of social interests;
3. It accomplishes its purpose by the recognition in persons of capacities of influencing the conduct of others; and
4. by affording the machinery of the courts and legal procedure to help the person with capacity. “Order, through generality, equality, and certainty, and not compulsion, is the fundamental characteristic of the Legislation.”
Planning Legislations Study notes for M. plan Sem-II
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