Pedestrian flow rate is the number of pedestrians passing a point per unit of time, expressed as pedestrians per 15 min or pedestrians per minute pedestrians per hour (p/h) . Point refers to a line of sight across the width of a walkway perpendicular to the pedestrian path. It is a common metric used in pedestrian planning and design to evaluate the capacity and performance of pedestrian facilities and infrastructure.

Pedestrian flow rate is influenced by a variety of factors, such as the width of sidewalks and walkways, the presence of obstacles or barriers, the design and location of crosswalks, and the surrounding land use and population density.

•Flow rates should be reported with time interval as flow with 1 minute interval can be more than double the rate at low flows.

•Sometimes during peak flow, 1 minute interval rate exceeds the 15 minutes interval rate by 20% to 75%.

•Extreme value obtained from 1 min interval peak flow rate should bot be used for design purpose as it occurs only 1% or 2% of the time.

•Random arrival at unregulated facility results in short term fluctuation which exaggerates by interruption of flow and queue formation.

The measurement of pedestrian flow rate can be done using various methods, such as manual observation, video recording, or sensors. Depending on the purpose of the study, pedestrian flow rate can be measured in different ways, such as in peak hours or over a full day. The results of pedestrian flow rate measurements can be used to inform decisions on the design, improvement, or management of pedestrian facilities, as well as to forecast future demand and plan for future development

Crowd flow

Crowd flow refers to the movement of a large group of people, typically in a confined or limited space, such as a stadium, concert venue, or transportation hub. usually involuntarily, as a result of signal control and other factors. Crowd flow management is an important aspect of crowd safety and involves planning and designing spaces to accommodate large numbers of people while ensuring their safety and comfort.

The analysis of crowd flow considers factors such as pedestrian density, walking speed, and direction of movement. To ensure safe and efficient crowd flow, planners and designers use various tools and techniques, such as crowd simulation software, video analysis, and crowd control measures like barriers and signage.

•Transit facility release large group in short time interval, followed by intervals with no flow. This group of pedestrian move together as a platoon until they disperse.

•Faster pedestrians slowing down behind slower ones due to the lack of space for passing often results in platoon formation Pedestrian Platoons

Effective crowd flow management can help prevent overcrowding, reduce the risk of accidents and incidents, and improve the overall experience for attendees. It is an important consideration in the planning and design of public spaces, events, and transportation infrastructure.

Pedestrian safety

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