Travel demand analysis based on land-use is a process of analyzing how land-use patterns affect travel behavior and demand for transportation services. The analysis involves the collection and analysis of data related to land-use and travel patterns to identify the relationships between them. The analysis is typically carried out using a four-step model of travel demand, which includes the following stages:

  1. Trip generation: This stage estimates the number of trips generated by each land-use type within a given area. The number of trips generated is typically estimated based on data collected from surveys or other sources, and the estimates are usually based on a per-unit basis (e.g. per dwelling unit, per square foot of retail space).
  2. Trip distribution: This stage determines the destinations of the trips generated in the previous stage. It involves estimating the number of trips between different zones within the study area, based on factors such as the distance between zones and the land-use characteristics of each zone.
  3. Mode choice: This stage determines the mode of transportation used by travelers to reach their destinations. The mode choice is influenced by factors such as travel time, cost, and the availability of different transportation options.
  4. Trip assignment: This stage assigns the trips generated in the previous stages to the transportation network. It involves determining the routes that travelers take to reach their destinations and the level of traffic on each route.

Case Study of Nagpur urban area

Nagpur urban area had 364.66 out of 986 area which divided in 10 zones and select only 4 zones for Travel demand analysis it is likely that the selected zones were chosen based on specific criteria such as population density, land-use patterns, or transportation infrastructure.

  1. Laximi Nagar (Zone 1),
  2. Dharampeth (Zone 2),
  3. Hanuman Nagar (Zone 3),
  4. Dhantoli (Zone 4)

Percentage of among the trips from all the zones •Educational trip 38.58 % •Work trip (32.53 %), •Shopping trip (20.83 %), Business trip (8.06 %)

Taken from : Analysis of Trip Generation Using Land Use Pattern by Shrinivas Urade , Dr. Bhalachandra Khode Prof. Sujesh Ghodmare

The results of the travel demand analysis based on land-use can be used to inform transportation planning and policy decisions. For example, the analysis can be used to identify areas with high levels of traffic congestion and to prioritize transportation infrastructure investments in those areas.

Land-use measures to reduce traffic congestion

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