
Water, which is essential for life, growth and health, can also be a source of spread of diseases and cause of ill-health, if contaminated or improperly handled and stored. Safe drinking water plays a major role in the overall well being of people, with a significant bearing on infant mortality rate, death rate, longevity and productivity.


sanitation is also important for human health. Sanitation is defined as safe management of human excreta, including its treatment, disposal and associated hygiene related practices.

The package of environmental sanitation largely include: (i)Solid waste disposal both human and animal (ii)Liquid waste disposal (iii)drainage

Indiscriminate defecation and throwing of garbage are the most uncivilized types of environmental insanitation.

Significance and importance of water and sanitation infrastructure

• Vital to human health

• Generate economic and social benefits

• Contribute to social and cultural values

• Helps the environmental sanitation

• Check morbidity and mortality

• Indicators of a health city

The problem of urban sanitation and water supply is visibly evident in urban slums. Many studies and reviews have noted that the urban slum dwellers have inadequate access to clean water, good sanitation and waste disposal and are vulnerable to risk of several communicable diseases.

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Urban Infrastructure and Network Study notes for M. plan Sem-III


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