Water Supply Standards

Recommended maximum water supply levels (lpcd) as indicated by the CPHEEO 1.Towns provided with piped water supply but without sewerage system 70 lpcd 2.Cities provided with piped water supply where sewerage system is existing / contemplated is 135 lpcd 3.Metropolitan and Mega cities provided with piped water supply where sewerage system is existing/contemplated is 150 lpcd

Notes :

  1. In urban areas, where water is provided through public stand posts, 40 lpcd should be considered
  2. Unaccounted‐for Water (UFW) is the difference between the quantity of water supplied to a city’s network and the metered quantity of water used by the customers. UFW has two components: (a) physical losses due to leakage from pipes, and (b) administrative losses due to illegal connections and under registration of water meters. The above figures exclude UFW, which should be limited to 15% for new proposed systems.
  3. The water needs of the town will be partially met by making provision of Rain Harvesting Structures in all the buildings.
  4. Figures include requirements of water for commercial, institutional and minor industries. However the bulk supply to each establishment should be assessed separately with proper justification.
  5. Piped water supplies should be designed on continuous 24 hours basis to distribute water to consumers at adequate pressure at all points (using grid supply system of a Smart city). \
  6. For towns where one storeyed building is common and for supply to the ground level storage tanks in multi‐storeyed buildings, the minimum residual pressure at ferrule point should be 7m for direct supply. Where two storeyed buildings are common, it may be 12m and where three storeyed buildings are prevalent 17m or as stipulated by local byelaws.
  7. The consumption of water when supply is metred is less compared to that when the water charges on flat rate basis. Hence in order to achieve optimal utilisation of water, metering is recommended.
  8. CPHEEO manual specifies design period for various components, broadly 30 years for civil works and 15 years for electro‐mechanical works. In fixing a design period, the useful life of structures and equipment employed, taking into account obsolescence as well as wear and tear, design constraints, rate of population growth etc. should be incorporated and integrated with overall planning of the city.

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