श्री शांतिनाथ मण्डल विधान

प्रतिष्ठाचार्य ब्र. सूरजमल जैन



आवो आवो नाथ मेरे तिष्ट इस शुभ मंडले । संसार बन्धन तोड़ने को बैठिये हृदये भले |

 नाम शान्तिनाथ है शुभ शान्ति के दाता सदा ।   हे नाथ हम पूजें चरण तव होत याते भव विदा ||

ॐ ह्रीं श्री शांतिनाथ सर्व कर्म बन्धन बिमुक्त सकल शान्तिकम् सम्पूर्णोत्तम हे पंचम चक्रेश्वर अत्रावतरावतर संवौषठ इत्याह्वान ।

ॐ ह्रीं श्री शांतिनाथ सर्व कर्म बन्धन विमुक्त सम्पूर्णोत्तम मंगलप्रद है द्वादश कामदेवेन्द्र अत्र तिष्ट तिष्ट ठः ठः स्थापनं |

ॐ ह्रीं श्री शांतिनाथ सर्व कर्म बन्धन विमुक्त सम्पूर्णोत्तम मंगलप्रद हे षोडषोत्तम तीर्थकर अत्र मम सन्निहितो भव भव वषट सन्निधिकरणं ।


जो स्वर्ण भृंग भराय जल से पूजते जिन चरण को । तुरत पावे राज्य सम्पत्त मेट जामन मरण को ॥

श्री शाँतिनाथ महान् हो प्रभु शाँति के दातार हो । तीर्थकर हो चक्रवर्ती नार शिव भरतार हो ||1||

ॐ ह्रां ह्रीं ह्रूं ह्रौं ह्रः जगदापद्विनाशनाय ह्रीं शांतिनाथाय जन्म जरा मृत्यु विनाशनाय जलं निर्वपामीति स्वाहा ।

कर्पूर कुंकुम शुद्ध चन्दन चर्चते पद युगल को । प्राप्त होय सुगन्ध देही सेव सुरि पद कमल को ॥
श्री शाँतिनाथ महान हो प्रभु शाँति के दातार हो । तीर्थकर हो चक्रवर्ती नार शिव भरतार हो ||२||
ॐ भ्रां भ्रीं भ्रूं भ्रौं भ्रः जगदापद्विनाशनाय ह्रीं शाँतिनाथाय संसार ताप विनाशनाय चंदनं निर्वपामीति स्वाहा |

ले अखण्ड सुगन्ध अक्षत चरण जिन पूजा करे । होय दीर्घायु निरोगी और सुन्दर तन तन धरे ॥
श्री शाँतिनाथ महान् हो प्रभु शांति के दातार हो । तीर्थकर हो चक्रवर्ती नार शिव भरतार हो ॥ ३ ॥
ॐ म्रां म्रीं म्रूं म्रौं म्रः श्री जगदापद्विनाशनाय ह्रीं शाँतिनाथाय संसार ताप विनाशनाय चंदनं निर्वपामीति स्वाहा।

मल्लिका अरु वकुल मरुवा पुष्प सुन्दर लीजिये । जिन देव पद अर्चन सु करके काम वाण हरीजिये ॥

श्री शांतिनाथ महान् हो प्रभु शांति के दातार हो । तीर्थकर हो चक्रवर्ती नार शिव भरतार हो ॥४॥

ॐ रां रीं रूं रौं रः जगदापद्विनाशनाय ही शांतिनाथाय कामबाण विनाशनाय पुष्पाणि निर्वपामीति स्वाहा |

ले शुद्ध घृत युत शर्करा से व्यंजनों के थाल भर । भक्ति से पूजे चरण जिन रोग क्षुध तिन नाश कर ।।

श्री शांतिनाथ महान् हो प्रभु शांति के दातार हो । तीर्थकर हो चक्रवर्ती नार शिव भरतार हो ||५||

ॐ घां घीं घूं घौं घः जगदापद्विनाशनाय ही शांतिनाथाय क्षुधा रोग विनाशनाय नैवेद्य निर्वपामीति स्वाहा ।

कर्पूर निर्मित दीप लेकर आरती करता सदा दैदीप्य होवे निज सदन, पावे नहीं भी दुःख कदा ॥

श्री शांतिनाथ महान् हो प्रभु शान्ति के दातार हो । तीर्थकर हो चक्रवर्ती नार शिव भरतार हो ||६||

ॐ झां झीं झूं झौं झ: जगदापद्विनाशनाय ह्रीं शाँतिनाथाय मोहान्धकार विनाशनाय दीप निर्वपामीति स्वाहा।

अगर चन्दन आदि सुरभित धूप से पूजा करूँ । पाप सारे नाश होवें कर्म आठों को हरूँ

श्री शांतिनाथ महान् हो प्रभु शान्ति के दातार हो । तीर्थकर हो चक्रवर्ती नार शिव भरतार हो ॥७॥
ॐ श्रां श्रीं श्रूं श्रीं श्रः जगदापद्विनाशनाय ही शाँतिनाथाय अष्ट कर्म विनाशनाय धूप निर्वपामीति स्वाहा ।

नारिंग केले पूङ्ग श्रीफल आम जम्बीरी घने | पूजते श्री शाँति जिन को मिले वांछित शोभने ॥
श्री शांतिनाथ महान् हो प्रभु शान्ति के दातार हो । तीर्थकर हो चक्रवर्ती नार शिव भरतार हो ||८||
ॐ खा खीं खूं खौ खः जगदापद्विनाशनाय ही शांतिनाथायो फल प्राप्तये फल निर्वपामीति स्वाहा।

नीरादि फल पर्यन्त बसु ले द्रव्य जिनवर पूजते । विघ्न नाशे ज्ञान भासे सुमन पूजित हूजते ॥
श्री शांतिनाथ महान् हो प्रभु शान्ति के दातार हो । तीर्थकर हो चक्रवर्ती नार शिव भरतार हो ||९||
ॐ अं हां सिं आ हूँ उ ह्रौं सा ह्रः जगदापद्विनाशनाय अनर्थ पद प्राप्तये अर्घ्य निर्वपामीति स्वाहा।


स्तवन करे जिनराज का अनुपम सुखद सुसार । जाल नसे संसार का होवे सुक्ख अपार स्तवन माला ॥

जय ज्ञान रूप ओंकार नमो, जय ह्रीं मध्य प्रभु शांति नमो ।
जय स्थावर जीव सुरक्ष नमो, जय एक अनेक सुईष नमो ||१||
जय चक्रवर्ती श्रीमान् नमो, जय शांति रूप परमात्म नमो ।
जय केवल ज्ञान सु भानु नमो जय नाना भाषा रूप नमो ॥२॥
जय इच्छा रहित सुशांति नमो, जय गुण समुद्रशुभ गीत नमो ।
जय अष्ट कर्म हन वीर नमो, जय तीर्थकर शांतीश नमो ||३||

जय रहित विकल्प निःकंप नमो, जय मुक्ति वधु परमात्म नमो ।
जय यति आधार सु चतुर नमो, जय लीन निजातम रूप नमो ||४||
जय रत्नत्रय गुण युक्त नमो, जय ज्ञान व्याप्त परमेश नमो ।
जय पर सुख दाता विष्णु नमो, जय जीव दयामय तीर्थ नमो ॥५॥
जय विश्वहितंकर वाणि नमो, जय शांतिनाथ गुण थोक नमो ।
जय दुर्जय विषहर अगद नमो, जय कुरु वंशापति देव नमो ॥६॥
जय ऋषिमन हर्षित कार नमो, जय कुल क्रम भृत अरहंत नमो ।
जय अद्भुत रूप स्वरूप नमो, जय ह्रीं बीज से युक्त नमो ||७||
जय क्षमा शांति के ईश नमो, जय विघ्न विनाशक वीर नमो ।
जय संज्ञा शांति सुशोभ नमो, जय भय हर्ता जग बन्धु नमो ॥८॥
जय माया रहित सु शांति नमो, जय मुक्ति पुरी के ईश नमो ।

जय पाप कलाप विनाश नमो, ब्रह्म सूरज को प्रभु तार नमो ॥९॥


जो शांति अष्टक को सदा ही कंठ धारे हार सम । उनके घरों में होय सम्पद विपद भागे एक दम ||

अन्त में वह कर्म हनि कर पाय मुक्ति स्वभाव से । याते सदा पद कमल पूजों नाम कर ले भाव से ।। पुष्पांजलि


शान्ति अष्टक को सदा पढ़ता मन उमगाय |

दुःख नाशे उसका सभी अन्तिम शिवपुर जाय ॥

प्रथम वलयाष्ट कोष्ठों परि पुष्पांजलिं क्षिपेत् ॥

प्रथम वलय

द्वितीय वलय

तृतीय वलय 1 से 16 अर्घ्य

तृतीय वलय-17 से 32 अर्घ्य

चतुर्थ वलय -1 से 16 अर्घ्य

चतुर्थ वलय -17 से 32 अर्घ्य

चतुर्थ वलय -33 से 48 अर्घ्य

चतुर्थ वलय – 49 से 64 अर्घ्य

जाप & जयमाला

English Translation of Pujan

These verses are a form of worship and meditation on Lord Shri Shantinath, seeking his blessings for liberation from worldly attachments and the attainment of peace , prosperity and the removal of obstacles in life.

Welcome, welcome, O Lord, to this auspicious assembly. Sit here to break the bonds of the world, O benevolent one. Your name is Shantinath, the eternal giver of peace. O Lord, we worship your feet, may we be blessed in this existence and beyond.

Om Hreem Shri Shantinath, liberator from all worldly attachments, bestower of complete peace, O fifth chakreshvar of the celestial realm, we invite you here with joy.

Om Hreem Shri Shantinath, liberator from all worldly attachments, bestower of complete peace, O twelfth kamdev, remain here, remain here, establish yourself.

Om Hreem Shri Shantinath, liberator from all worldly attachments, bestower of complete peace, O sixteenth Tirthankar, you are present here to grant us strength and fulfill our desires.

Those who worship the Lord’s feet with golden vase and offer water, They dispel worldly attachments and conquer death. O Shri Shantinath, you are a great Lord, the giver of peace, You are a Tirthankar, a universal monarch, O brother of Lord Shiva, may we attain you quickly. ||1||

Om Hraam Hreem Hroom Hroum Hrah, destroyer of worldly bonds, Hreem Shantinathaya, Destroyer of birth, old age, and death, I offer water to you, Swaha.

Applying camphor, saffron, pure sandalwood, and worshipping your pair of feet, We obtain a fragrant body and serve the lotus feet of the Lord of the Devas. O Shri Shantinath, you are a great Lord, the giver of peace, You are a Tirthankar, a universal monarch, O brother of Lord Shiva. ||2||

Om Bhraam Bhreem Bhroom Bhroum Bhrah, destroyer of worldly bonds, Hreem Shantinathaya, Destroyer of the suffering of the world, I offer sandalwood to you, Swaha.

Taking unbroken incense, unbroken rice grains, and worshipping the feet of Lord Jina, May one have a long life, be free of disease, and possess a beautiful body. O Shri Shantinath, you are a great Lord, the giver of peace, You are a Tirthankar, a universal monarch, O brother of Lord Shiva. ||3||

Om Mraam Mreem Mrum Mraum Mrah, destroyer of worldly bonds, Hreem Shantinathaya, Destroyer of worldly suffering, I offer sandalwood to you, Swaha.

Take jasmine, aru, and bakula flowers, and offer them to the beautiful feet of the Lord, Worship the divine feet and fulfill your desires. O Shri Shantinath, you are a great Lord, the giver of peace, You are a Tirthankar, a universal monarch, O brother of Lord Shiva. ||4||

Om Raam Reem Room Roum Rah, destroyer of worldly bonds, Hreem Shantinathaya, Destroyer of the Kama (desire) arrow, I offer flowers to you, Swaha.

Take a plate filled with pure ghee and sugar, Offer it with devotion to the Lord’s feet, and cure diseases and hunger. O Shri Shantinath, you are a great Lord, the giver of peace, You are a Tirthankar, a universal monarch, O brother of Lord Shiva.

Om Ghaam Gheem Ghoong Ghown Ghah, destroyer of worldly bonds, Hreem Shantinathaya, Destroyer of hunger and diseases, I offer this offering, Swaha. ||5||

Taking a lamp made of camphor, perform the eternal arati, Let your abode always be illuminated, and may you never experience sorrow. O Shri Shantinath, you are a great Lord, the giver of peace, You are a Tirthankar, a universal monarch, O brother of Lord Shiva. ||6||

Om Jhaam Jheem Jhoong Jhown Jhah, destroyer of worldly bonds, Hreem Shantinathaya, Destroyer of the darkness of ignorance, I offer this lamp, Swaha.

If I worship you with fragrant sandalwood and other offerings, All sins will be destroyed, and all karmas will be transcended. O Shri Shantinath, you are a great Lord, the giver of peace, You are a Tirthankar, a universal monarch, O brother of Lord Shiva. ||7||

Om Shraam Shreem Shroong Shreem Shrah, destroyer of worldly bonds, Hreem Shantinathaya, Destroyer of the eight karmas, I offer this incense, Swaha.

With naranga (orange), banana, pomegranate, mango, and jamun fruits in abundance, Those who worship Lord Shri Shanti Jin receive their desired glory. O Shri Shantinath, you are a great Lord, the giver of peace, You are a Tirthankar, a universal monarch, O brother of Lord Shiva. ||8||

Om Khaam Kheem Khoong Khown Khah, destroyer of worldly bonds, Hreem Shantinathaya, For the attainment of fruits, I offer these fruits, Swaha.

From pure water to various fruits and offerings, they worship the revered Jinavar (Lord), Removing obstacles, enlightening knowledge, and offering beautiful worship. O Shri Shantinath, you are a great Lord, the giver of peace, You are a Tirthankar, a universal monarch, O brother of Lord Shiva. ||9||

Om Aum Haam Seem Aa Hoom U Hroum Saa Hrah, destroyer of worldly bonds, For the attainment of meaning and purpose, I offer this arghya (offering), Swaha.

Doha (Couplet):

They offer praise to the King of Jinas, incomparably blissful and radiant. The worldly entanglements are dispelled, and boundless happiness

Garland of praise

Victory to the form of knowledge, I bow to the sound of Om, Victory to the middle Lord, I bow to the Lord of peace.

Victory to the immovable and living beings, I bow to the one who has one form but many attributes, ||1||

Victory to the universal monarch, I bow to the embodiment of peace. ||2||

Victory to the supreme soul beyond desires, I bow to the ocean of virtues and melodious songs,

Victory to the hero who conquers the eight karmas, I bow to the Tirthankar of peace. ||3||

Victory to the one beyond alternatives and without any doubt, I bow to you, Victory to the ultimate Supreme, the liberator, I bow to you. Victory to the one who supports the ascetics with great wisdom, I bow to you, Victory to the absorbed one in your own self, I bow to you. ||4||

Victory to the one adorned with the three jewels, I bow to you, Victory to the omniscient and all-pervading Lord, I bow to you. Victory to the giver of the highest happiness, Vishnu, I bow to you, Victory to the compassionate provider of salvation, the Tirthankar, I bow to you. ||5||

Victory to the remover of worldly entanglements, I bow to you, Victory to Shantinath, the treasure of virtues, I bow to you. Victory to the invincible destroyer of all obstacles, I bow to you, Victory to the Lord of the Kurukshetra dynasty, I bow to you. ||6||

Victory to the sage-like joyful performer, I bow to you, Victory to the leader of the ascetic order, the Arhat, I bow to you. Victory to the wondrous embodiment of forms, I bow to you, Victory to the seed of Hreem (a sacred sound), I bow to you. ||7||

Victory to the Lord of forgiveness and peace, I bow to you, Victory to the heroic vanquisher of obstacles, I bow to you. Victory to the one with a graceful and peaceful demeanor, I bow to you, Victory to the remover of fear, the friend of the world, I bow to you. ||8||

Victory to the one free from illusion and full of peace, I bow to you, Victory to the Lord of Muktipuri (City of Liberation), I bow to you. Victory to the destroyer of the cluster of sins, I bow to you, I bow to you, the Lord who can transcend even Brahma and the Sun. ||9||


Those who always keep the Shanti Ashtak close to their hearts, In their homes, prosperity abounds, and misfortunes stay far away. In the end, they naturally attain liberation by renouncing their actions. They perpetually worship the lotus feet and chant the divine name with devotion.


Reading the Shanti Ashtak constantly, filling the mind with joy, All sorrows are destroyed, and one attains ultimate bliss.

Pushpanjali (offering of flowers) “One should offer a handful of flowers on the first verse of the Shanti Ashtak.”

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